T w e l v e - The Reaper Without Humility

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Unamused, would be the best word to describe how I felt upon seeing this slender.

"There's four of you," I spat, raising myself up off the ground and gliding up to this new slender being. "Four. Isn't it a bit ridiculous that there's four of your type and you're all so drastically different? A different slender personality each?"

The smirk that was dawned on this slender's face quickly vanished and it soon seems just as unamused as I was with it. "I find you pretty ridiculous yourself," It sighted, twirling the rose it held in its hand around. "My elder brother invites you to stay with us, yet you, the arrogant brat son of Zalgo acts as the most ungrateful, stuck-up airhead there is."

He then scoffed and added with a grin, "You must be out of your mind if you think I would be a servant to your spoiled ass."

I was completely at a loss for words at what this slender being said to me. The audacity....

Well...he wasn't too much wrong, was he? For the amount of time I've been here, I must've been acting like a royal pain rather than a humbled guest. Expecting the Creepypastas to only think highly of me and praise me...thinking I could use the slender beings as servants as if they were captives of my father...

My father...

Oh no... I was acting just like him.

My eye twitches as the realization hits me, and I stand their, frozen. The slender being pushes away from my door and steps up to me with a blank seeming expression. "Well. At least you're coming to realize it now. It's up to you wether you turn out like your father or become your own person."

He read my mind, didn't he.

"You're...not wrong," I mutter, focusing my gaze on the ground. "I do have things I need to work on. I came to this realm to escape my father and his values, not to repeat what he taught to me. I hope...staying in this place will help me change over time."

The slender nodded his head at me and smiled once again, "Very well. You're not bad, Grim Reaper."

He then turned from me and began walking off, stuffing his hands in his coat pockets. "I won't bother you—you seem smarter and less ridiculous than you come across. Besides... I happen to prefer women~"

I raised an eyebrow and glanced at the slender before he descended down the steps. "Who are you, anyway?"

He turned back to me and slightly tipped his hat, "To you, Lord Grim, it's Offender."

He then left without another word.

Confusing species, yet interesting. He seemed like the less likely of the brothers that I'd even learn a lesson from, but here we are.

"Hello 'Lord' Grim," A sudden greeting from behind me spooked me and I turned around coming face with that boy, Homicidal Liu or whatever it was. "Liu," I respond, slightly dipping my head in hopes to seem humble and respectful of his presence. "What do you need from me?"

"I wanted to ask...would you like to join me and some friends on an outing later tonight? We thought it would be good if we took you along so you could see the kind of things we do...it'll also be good considering it seems you've been given your new Creepypasta look by our TrenderMan."

I look down at myself, then back at Liu's gentle, patient expression and sigh. Why not? If anything, maybe this experience would just humble me more to the way of these low-lifes—I mean, Creepypasta.

"I accept your invitation," I respond carefully, trying not to sound too high and mighty. "It um...might be fun."

Liu smiled at me and tilted his head, "I think it will be too. See you later tonight then, Lord Grim..."

Before Liu could turn and walk off, I hesitantly call out to him again. "Um..." I started, my voice sounding awkward and small. "I...can't believe I'm saying this but...just call me (Name)...you don't have to call me 'Lord' and stuff, you're not my servant."

Liu looked at me for a long time before nodding his head at me, "As you wish, (Name)." Somehow, he seemed happier at the fact that I insisted he call me by my actual name. I flinched, hearing it even come out of my mouth, but I had to start somewhere if I wanted to assimilate myself here.

I am no longer a prince being waited on and tended to by his demon servants in the underworld.

I am no longer the heir to the Zalgean kingdom.

I am no longer the reaper of souls under my father's command.

I am just a simple, regular guy that's been offered the kind title of a 'guest' at The SlenderMan's manor.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Where stories live. Discover now