S i x t e e n - Serve Me Dinner

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I force myself to go to ClockWork, Eyeless Jack, Jeff The Killer, and Homicidal Liu to apologize for being such a crummy addition to their hunting trip earlier.

"Don't worry. It made my night when you dropped out of that window and ate dirt," Jeff told me with his cut smile widening across his pale face. "Yes. Funny. Hilarious even," I groaned, rolling my eyes and starting to walk off from his room. "Hey wait," Jeff called out to me, and I only turn my head back to him, "What is it?"

"Next time, you'll go with me, just me. I'll show you how kills are done—the 'Creepypasta' way." He then smirked and stuffed his hands into his pockets, "And then afterwards maybe you're gonna show me how you do that little soul snatching thing~"

I chuckle at this, "I couldn't teach that to a mortal. I could demonstrate and let you keep the flask I collect though?"


Jeff then held up his hand, forming a fist at me. I stared at the gesture in utter confusion then backed up. "I hope you don't think you can punch me and get away with it..."

"...I'm not gonna punch you, dumbass. It's called fist bump, just copy what I'm doing and you'll see."

I glared at his hand a bit longer before slowly copying the gesture with my own, humane hand. Jeff quickly bumped his fist against mine, then scoffed and shook his head, "You've got a lot to learn about this world, Grim Reaper."

He then walked past me and headed for the stairs, where I saw a couple of the others were headed as well. I'd almost forgotten SlenderMan had called everyone to dinner.

I decide to follow behind and I see someone else run up to me; that same brown haired red eyed little girl from before. "Hi (Na—I mean Lord Grim...!" She greeted, giving me a nervous smile as she'd almost uttered my actual name. I give her a small smile and shake my head, "Call me (Name), if you'd like."

Her already big eyes seemed to shine and she clasped her hands together happily. "Oh—well, okay then (Name). Um...my names Lazari and I like your...skull face..."

She looked as if she were genuinely searching for something nice to say about me. I had to admit, she was quite adorable for a little girl. I'm not fond of children, but something felt different about her. "My skull face? Is that the best you could come up with, Lazari?" I scoffed jokingly at her, casting her a small grin.

Lazari gave me a nervous chuckle and looked away, "Sorry, I hope that wasn't mean. I really do think you look nice, even without the mask." Before I could even respond, the girl quickly scampered down the rest of the stairs and ran off to the dining room. I stare after where she left for a bit, stunned.

She sounded like she meant what she said. I'm so used to being seen as ugly. A decaying husk of what probably used to be a handsome guy. Lazari saw something different, apparently. Did anyone else here think of me like this? I didn't think so...

I finished descending down the rest of the stairs and follow the other Creepypastas to their dining room area. I walk into the room and am met with a very long wooden table with many chairs to accompany it lined on each side. I watch in silence as the Pastas pulled out seats and sat in different random spots at the table, mostly with those who I assume they were acquaintances with or usually kept company with.

I didn't move from where I stood; I didn't know where to sit. I didn't want to sit by someone who wouldn't want me there anyways. I felt awkward and uncomfortable. For a slight moment, I missed the company of my servants back home—me making an appearance in our own dining room and my servants rushing to pull out a seat for me and guide me to my chair. There were servants even willing to feed me, obeyingly raising food or a glass to my lips while the others ran back and forth trying to take care of all my needs.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Where stories live. Discover now