T w e n t y - T w o - Worry For Your Grim

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SlenderMan's p. o. v.

I went to the area in which Jeff and Liu had informed me of as quick as possible, but all that was left in the area was a crater from the skirmish that the boys had said Grim had gotten into and no sign of Grim himself. With the help of my sense and knowledge of my woods, I was finally able to find Grim and his servant nearby one of the old abandoned cabins scattered in my woods.

"(Name)! There you are!" I exclaimed upon spotting him, and the reaper slowly turned to me with a flustered expression on his face.

"Great..." He muttered, lowly, "listen, everything's alright on my end SlenderMan, I don't know why Jeff and Liu felt it was their duty to go and blabber my affairs but—"

"Enough," I interrupted him, holding up my hand, "whether it was your intention or not for me to get involved, any kind of activity going on within my woods is bound to be eventually snuffed out by me or my proxies. It would've been no use hiding this incident from me. Besides, what troubles you with a little help?"

"I didn't need help!" Grim snapped suddenly, but he quickly shut his mouth, taken aback by his own outburst and quickly shook his head, "forgive me SlenderMan, I didn't mean to yell. However, the problems' been taken care of, there's no need for you to worry."

I sighed and slowly folded my hands behind my back. "What exactly happened here? Jeff had mentioned another demon from your realm had tried to cause quite the commotion?"

Grim seemed to appear slightly embarrassed and tapped his skeletal fingers against his arm as he stared at the ground, "My lousy cousin, Stripes. She's a high ranking demon that serves me and my father, and apparently she was sent out to hunt me down and drag me back home. However, I was—"

Grim had abruptly cut himself off before turning and glancing back at his butler before turning to face me, "—I mean, me and Syngrath were able to render her powerless and put her away. She won't be able to get back into my home realm anytime soon."

I sighed at this.
Stripes was another headache of a demon from Zalgo's party that I'd had the misfortune of dealing with in the past. Of all the interferers I've ever encountered from Zalgo's domain, only Lazari and Grim have been willing to give up their ways and commit their loyalty to the life of a Pasta.
Stripes on the other hand seems to carry an adamant hatred for me and my killers. The fact that Grim seemed to have an encounter with her tells me that Zalgoids are very likely aware of Grim's location and his ties with me.

"You said that the problem has been "taken care of"," I speak, tilting my head. "What exactly did you do to take care of her?"

"I'm keeping her locked up and under watch inside of that cabin over there," Grim pointed to the run-down shack before holding up a device that appeared to look like a mirror of sorts. "With this 'Viewing Mirror' I'll be able to watch Stripes at all times and keep track of what goes on around her. She won't be able to cause any problems anymore."

I leaned closer to take a look and watch as the blurred screen of the mirror quickly warped into a clear view of the inside of the cabin. It could be seen that the Zalgoid was seated in a chair, her hands digging into her knees and her head dangling. It appeared she were in a state of distress.

"I'm not too sure about this...won't your father question her disappearance?" I ask, looking back to Grim. "Sure, but he won't know where she is."

"And you don't think in the slightest that my wood may be an option for him to search?"

Grim narrowed his eye, "Well he may if your very existence was even of importance to him. Otherwise he would deem you not a threat." He then quickly added, "which reminds me SlenderMan, you still owe me an explanation on how you even know my father..."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Where stories live. Discover now