T h i r t e e n - The Strange Toymaker

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It's starting to get late.

I'm in my room, deciding wether I should go back to my comfort clothes and wear my grim cloak or keep on the brand new clothes TrenderMan gave to me earlier today.

"I think your new clothing looks charming, Sire," Syngrath spoke up; he was with me in my room as well, standing by my dresser with a tray holding (F/D) in a fancy clear glass. "I'm not trying to look charming. I'm trying to fit in," I respond, propping up my collar fittingly while looking at the mirror. "I don't need (F/D) right now butler, take it back."

"As you wish, My Lord," Syngrath bowed his head before turning and getting ready to leave my room. I watch him through my mirror and sigh before calling out to him again. "On second thought, leave it on my dresser, I'll have it before I go. Er....thank you..."

Syngrath turned and eyed me for a bit before dipping his head and placing the tray on my dresser. He then bowed again and cleared out of my room, shutting the door behind him.

After a while of switching between my old garbs and the new, I eventually decide to just wear what Trender gave me and see the reactions I get when I go with Liu and his friends.

I was admittedly nervous about going, as I've never really went anywhere or hung out with people before. I'm already expecting myself to be an awkward sad sack at the side, but I'll still try my best to make a good impression and hopefully...just hopefully it might be the start of new friendships? After all, I've never had friends before and it's something I would've liked to have...

"No...I'm too conceited for friends...they'll all hate me because of how stupid I was when I got here earlier," I sigh, looking down at my shoes. "The Grim Reaper is a conceited, rude bastard..."

"Hmm, I don't think so."

My head jolted upwards when I hear a voice coming from near the entrance of my room and I turn seeing a random door that had appeared there. And now standing by the door was the tall green-eyed red-hair male from earlier today that I had saw.

I stare at him, puzzled a bit by his method of entrance into my room, then I shake my head and put on the faintest grin. "You don't think so? How is that, random stranger that's essentially broken into my room?"

He grinned as well and took a bow towards me, "My apologizes for such a rude entrance, Lord Grim. I'm called Jason The Toymaker, but you may call me Jason." He then stood upright again and tilted his head, "Why would I think anything else of you? Do you truly see yourself so negatively?"

I narrowed my eyes, trying to discern the strange, questionable aura I felt from this Creepypasta but my attempt was futile as I couldn't completely tell his vibe. I sighed and responded to him, "You weren't around me when I first got here, nor for the rest of the day. I've been pretty much acting like trash to most everyone here so far, and though my actions are all on me I can't help but disgust myself for acting just like my father..."

He chuckles slightly and shook his head, "I wouldn't let what those others think phase you. You're the Grim Reaper...more powerful and much wiser than any of them. Who cares how you come across to everyone else? Their opinions shouldn't matter to someone as great as you, someone who's been alive for hundreds of years and has seen more than majority of them ever would."

I scratched my chin, thinking to myself. Most all of these things were somewhat true, yet I still felt deep down that I had to change if I wanted to become like these others. If I was just going to bring my father's attitude here, then what's the point of running away.

I glance to Jason and spoke, "You're not wrong, Jason, but my decision is to adjust to the way you Creepypasta act so that I can become like you and be worthy of SlenderMan's offer to let me stay."

Jason seemed to scoff at this and slightly leaned forwards, his strange aura intensifying suddenly, which caught me off guard. "You owe worthiness to no one, Lord Grim..."

I stay glaring at him and he chuckled, standing straight again and casually yawning. "Anyways, I suppose you'll do whatever you wish. Don't let me tell you what to do." He then side eyes me and added, "aren't you supposed to be running around tonight with those other killers? You should best be on your way to meet them now...don't forget your weapon, you'll need it~."

My weapon? Oh of course, they're killers, it's more that likely they're taking me out to go killing with them. I haven't reaped any souls in a while though, so it's been a while since I've had out my scythe. I've had the scythe every since I first went to go live with Zalgo, but by now it's old and worn and slightly falling apart on itself.

My only eye flashes and I pull my scythe from the air behind me(I'll explain how later), bestowing it upon Jason. Jason glared at my scythe with an unamused expression. "Is this really the legendary weapon of the fabled Grim Reaper? Unlike you, it looks absolutely miserable compared to your magnificent being..."

I wish he wouldn't say things like that about me, it's really weird...

"I've used it for hundreds of years, it's alright," I sigh slumping my shoulders. "Oh Grim. Wouldn't you allow me to help you with a much better version of your sacred weapon?" Jason asked, a much smaller version of the door he came into my room through appeared right next to him and he opened it, beginning to reach in.

"No really, there's no reason to—"

"Ahah! Here is it...."

I watch as Jason pulled from this door another scythe—except it was much bigger and more extravagant than mine. My eyes slightly widened at seeing the glittering weapon before me.

Jason grinned widely and held it out before me, "Take it, sir~"

| once again, just imagine your own idea or you can choose from one of these images i found on google. not the easiest to fit more than three scythes in a collage 🙃 |

I was hesitant before taking the finer version of the scythe in hand and started examining it in amazement

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I was hesitant before taking the finer version of the scythe in hand and started examining it in amazement. I had to admit, this new one looked much better than the practical curved blade on a stick that was falling apart that I've been carrying for centuries.

"I like it," I eventually speak, eventually holding the scythe to stand beside me. "Thank you for giving me this...Jason?"

Jason nods and then bows his head. "Anything at all for you, Lord Grim. And if you ever need anything...if your already pesky servant won't amount to your full needs...I'll be more than happy to be of your service. I'd even stay by your side forever if needed...happy as your one and only follower."

Before I could even fully come to terms with what he just said, Jason quickly turned away from me with a smirk and the same door he entered my room in reformed before him and he exited as swiftly as he came.

I find myself staring at the door for a long time.
What was that all about? Does he really want to be my servant? Or something? I know I was pondering having one of the slenders as an extra servant earlier but...do I really need another when I have Syngrath already? He's been loyal to me from the beginning. I don't think there's really a need to get anyone else to serve me.

I try to shake off my thoughts of Jason's weird implications of possibly being my servant and place the new scythe he gave me into my consciousness. (I can do this by opening my consciousness through a flash that occurs within my eye and I can store things within my consciousness as well as pull them out into reality. Useful ability, really.)

After that, I take a look at myself in the mirror once more before putting on my mask that covered the skull side of my face (or your whole face) and headed out of the room to find Liu.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Where stories live. Discover now