Chapter 2: Vecna's Curse

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I ride my bike from my house to Max's house, not being able to sleep all night. I get to the trailer park, and I knock on the door of Max's trailer.

She opens the door, still in her pajamas, "Y/n? Whats wrong?" She asks. Before i can answer, the sound of cop car sirens surround us.

I turn around, seeing cops by Eddies trailer, they open the door, and go inside to investigate. Max steps in front of me, i feel she's sensing a little fear. 

"Max what are you doing?" I ask, she doesn't answer, she just keeps walking to Eddies trailer. She gets where she can see Chrissys body.

A cop grabs her shoulder and turns her around, "Hey! You cant be out here" He says. Max turns around to look at the body one more time, then she turns and runs back to me.

"We need to go to Dustin" I say. "Yeah" She says as she nods her head. "Let me get changed real quick and we'll go" she says, turning to go back inside her trailer.


"Chrissy Cunningham? Your sure it was Chrissy?" Dustin asks. Max sighs, "Yes, she was in her cheerleader outfit, it was the same thing she was in when I saw her with Eddie" Max says.

"Uh-" I say, cutting Dustin off of what he was about to say. "What?" He asks. "Last night, I was in the trailer park-" I say, getting cut off by Max. "Why were you randomly in the trailer park?" She says.

"It wasn't randomly, I saw something yesterday. It was a grandfather clock, I was going to tell" I say.

"Why is that weird?" Dustin asks, confused as to why my voice is shaky. "Because it was in the middle of the forest. It was inside of a tree. Chrissy was going there so I followed her because she looked afraid" I say.

"Did she see the clock too?" Max asks. I nod, "Yeah, I sensed fear from her" I say. "Ok, now what about Eddie?" Dustin asks, shaking off the fact I saw a random clock inside of a tree.

"Eddies lights inside his trailer were flickering, and he was screaming for Chrissy to wake up. I went over and knocked on his door, but he didn't answer. I opened the door, and Chrissy was floating, and her eyes were closed." I explain.

"Then what?" Dustin says. "Then she was on the ceiling, her back was touching the ceiling. Her bones, started...snapping, then her eyes left her head, like they were clawed out" I finish, taking a deep breath as the memories replay in my head.

"Have you told all that to the cops?" Dustin asks. "Dustin are you crazy?! They wouldn't believe that!" I say, raising my voice.

"Me and y/n cant be the only ones who saw them together, they stood out!" Max said. "Eddie the freak, with Chrissy the cheerleader?!" Dustin says.

"Exactly, his name isn't in the news right now but I guarantee Eddie is suspect number one right now" Max says.

"Max! I saw what happened, Eddie didn't kill Chrissy!" I say. "I'm not saying he did im saying that it looks like he did! He was the last one to be seen with Chrissy"

Max sighs, "Look, i''m just saying it doesn't look good for Eddie right now".

"Ok, we have to find Eddie, now" I say. Dustin and Max get up from the bed. "Wait!" Dustins say, catching our attention.

"Have you told this to anyone else?" Dustin asks me. "No, Lucas and Nancy are nowhere to be found and Mikes in California" I say, as we walk out of his room.

"Shit!" Dustin says, we open and his front door, not without getting cut off by his mom, then we walk out to try and find Eddie.


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