Chapter 3: The Monster and the Superhero

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Me, Dustin, Max, Robin, and Steve walk into Eddies shed with things from the grocery store. When we walk in, Eddie is holding up the piece of broken glass toward us.

"Delivery service!" Dustin says. Eddie sighs and lowers the glass down. We set the bags down and pull out a cereal for Eddie.

He takes the box and sits down in the boat with the tarp, and starts munching on his cereal. "Alright, we have good news and bad news, what do you wanna hear first?" I ask.

"Bad news first, always" Eddie says. "Alright, we tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and their definitely looking for you" I say. "The good news?" Eddie asks.

"Your name hasn't gone public yet. But if we found out about you its only a matter of time before others do" Robin says. Eddie sighs, "Hunt the freak, right?" He says with a shaky voice.

"Exactly" Robin says. "So before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence" Dustin says.

"Thats all Dustin? Thats all?" Eddie says. While their talking, I go and sit beside Eddie so I can use my powers and see what hes feeling through all this.

I sit down, and sense that hes feeling fear. "....We usually rely on this girl who was super powers, but those went bye-bye" Steve says.

"Uhm, hello?! El is not the only one who has super powers in this group" I say. "Oh shit, yeah and Y/n has super powers so she can help us" Steve says.

I roll my eyes. We stay silent for a minute, but we hear cop sirens around. I get up quickly, "Tarp!" I say to Eddie.

He gets under the tarp, while me and the group go and look out the windows. We see theres cop cars and ambulances passing.

I look at everyone in the room. Steve nods, and we run to the car.


Me, Dustin, Robin, Max, Steve, and Nancy all sit at the picnic table in the trailer park. "So your saying this thing killed Fred and Chrissy, and its from the upside down?" Nancy asks.

"If the shoe fits. It almost got Y/n but she used her powers. But if it almost got her that one time, its most definitely gonna try and get her again" Steve says.

"Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse" Dustin says. "Now whether or not hes doing this for the Mind Flayer, or he just has a thing for killing teens, we dont know" Max says.

"All we know, is that this is something different, something new" I say. "It doesnt make sense" Nancy says.

"Its just a theory" Dustin says, "No, Fred and Chrissy dont make sense, why them?" Nancy asks. Everyone except Nancy turns to look at me.

I sigh, "I followed Chrissy into the woods one day after school, because she looked afraid. She stopped in the center of the woods, then I heard this clock chiming. I looked where the sound was, and a grandfather clock was inside of the tree. I know Chrissy saw it too because of the way she reacted" I explain.

"So Chrissy saw the clock and it happened to her, you saw the clock and it almost happened to you, so you think Fred saw the clock?" Nancy asks.

We all nod. "Fred started acting weird the second we got here" Nancy says. "Weird as in?" Max pushes.

"Weird as in scared, uneasy, or on-edge" Nancy says. "I dont know about you guys, but if I saw a creature i would tell someone" Steve says.

"Maybe they did? I saw Chrissy leaving Mrs. Kellys office. If you told the police you saw a monster, they wouldnt believe you, but you might go to your-" Max says, getting cut off by Robin.

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