Chapter 2

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"El, how exactly are we going to explain all this to Y/N?" Mike had been relaxed now, and El filled him in on what happened. "I don't know... I never thought we'd ever have to explain any of that to her!". He sighed and buried his face in his hands. "I don't want to tell her". "I don't either. But we have to. If she opened the portal, or if she did something, we need to go back and fix it!". After discussing how to break the news to Y/N, they called her into the room. Y/N opened the door, anxiously wanting to know why her parents freaked out.
"What's up?". She went to biting her finger- it was something she did every time she was nervous. "Sit here. Your father and I have something to tell you". Y/N started biting her finger harder now. Whatever they had to say wasn't good. "You know how I said that monster was real?". She nodded. "There is a reason why your dad and I haven't told you much about where we are from. When we were about your age, your dad and I lived in a small town, Hawkins. And, I know this is hard to believe, but, there is another world. We call it the Upside Down."
"Is it the world I see in my dream??". El looked at Y/N in surprise. "What do you mean?". Y/N pulls out a drawing she made of the Upside Down. "This world that's in my dreams. It's dark, and there's fog, and there are ash-like spores that float around. And there are tons of these tendrils!". Eleven examines the drawing. Her eyes widen in shock, it was exactly like the Upside Down. Down to the last detail. "Yes.... This is.... Exactly it..." She was at a loss for words. "But, anyways, this other world, I opened it". El began to look scared, she had to tell Y/N about her powers. Mike held her hand and she continued. "I had powers. I could control things with my mind. And I used these powers to open a portal. I didn't mean to. But I was forced into a lab, with other kids that had powers as I did. And, your dad and your uncles, aunt and I fought and I sealed the portal. But at the cost of losing my powers".
"This is.... Um...." Y/N stuttered. She almost thought they had gone crazy, there was no way something like this could be real, right? "It's hard to believe, I know. But that monster you dreamt of, that world- It's all real" Mike explained. Y/N sat in silence for a little while, contemplating what they had told her. Mike and El never told her anything about where they were from, but she never imagined THIS was why. "This all sounds insane to me! I mean, monsters with no face, an empty and dark version of our world- and I'm going to guess that other weird thing I saw in my dream exists too!".
"What other thing? Whatever happened in your dream, I'd like to know". El rested her hand on her daughters shoulder. Y/N quickly scribbled a sketch of Henry/Vecna to show her parents. "This thing right here! He appeared after I touched that thing you call a demogorgon, he says his name was Henry and that I set him free!"
Eleven froze. After she heard those words, it was like she couldn't react." El, hon? Are you okay?" Mike shook her. "She opened the portal. Mike, she opened the portal to the Upside Down! And this man, Henry, he.... he was one of the people who worked at the lab. I'll explain later , but she opened the portal! ". Mike felt a rising panic in his chest. This couldn't be. "I.... I think you're right. In my dream a younger version of you and dad started screaming at me that I set him free... " Y/N muttered, still trying to process everything." Ok ok!, if what you re saying is true, how do we know for sure she reopened the portal? I mean, we are all the way in California, there is no way she could've opened it from here!" Mike paced around the room, fidgeting with his hands. El stood up and pulled out a suitcase from her closet. "The only way we will know for sure is if we go back and check".
Mike stopped her in her tracks before she packed more of her clothes. "It's too dangerous!"." Mike! If the portal really is open, the world could be at risk again. And we've been through this before, we will know what to do ". While her parents bickered, Y/N sat in silence. All of this sounded unreal. But it was. All this did was raise more questions than answers. Did Y/N have powers too? If she did, why haven't they appeared? And more importantly, did she really just reopen a portal to another world putting everyone in danger? "Y/N, your father and I are going to Indiana to figure all this out okay? We'll find you a babysitter-" "NO! I mean... If I really did cause all this, I wanna go too. I want to find out more about myself!" Y/N begged, clenching her fists. Eleven shook her head. The last thing she wanted to do was put her daughter in danger! "Absolutely not, Y/N. This will be dangerous". She stood, determined. Y/N wasn't going to stop until her parents let her go. "Please. At least let me find out more about this! I'll be safe I promise!". El and Mike exchanged looks. "It might be better if she comes along, in case the Mind Flayer tries to get ahold of her while we are gone" Mike said, deep in thought. El sighed and reluctantly agreed. "Fine. But if something goes wrong, you feel bad- anything, please let me and your dad know!". Y/N smiled, satisfied. "Ok, I will!".

-time skip to when they get to the airport brought to you by a sleep deprived author-

Nancy looked across the airport in search for her brother, Mike. She finally spotted him amongst the crowd. Her smile quickly faded when she saw him and his family dragging their bags. She sprinted over to them and embraced him. Mike! It's good to see you. What is with the bags?". "It's nice to see you too. I hate to say this to you like this but.... my daughter accidentally reopened the gate to the Upside Down in Hawkins and we need to go back to close it again" mike explained nervously. Y/N laughed sheepishly. "This is... are you sure?". "Not entirely, but it is better to be safe than sorry" El chimed in. Nancy ran her fingers through her hair. "Here we go again. I'm coming with you guys! I'll just call Jonathan real quick and let him know". With that, the team took off to the next flight for Indiana. All that was on Y/N's mind, was what has she done?

Author's note: Sorry for the late update! Had some mental health issues but I'm back and I will update this story weekly!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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