Chapter 1

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Trigger warning: anxiety attack

Y/N tossed and turned in her sleep. She was having the nightmares for nearly two weeks now, and usually, it was the same; she was in some small quiet town, except it was dark, and cold with fog in the air while ash-like spores float around. There was no human life, only overgrown root-like, ropy, tendrils. Then there is this creature, it's tall and thin, with these elongated limbs. This thing could open its face, revealing rows of sharp teeth. The creature would then come running after Y/N, and then she'd wake up terrified.
But tonight, the dream was different. Instead, Y/N was in a pitch-black room, alone. "Hello?" She called out. Silence. She looked around and spotted something in the distance. Y/N began to walk towards it, but there was this feeling in her stomach- like she shouldn't go near this thing. Still, she pushed the feeling aside and continued. Once she reached it, it was the same creature from the nightmares she had been having!
Y/N approached it, and anxiety began to rise in her chest. What the hell is this thing? "What...what are you?" She reached out to touch it, feeling the slimy skin. "What have you done?!" A voice screamed from behind her. Y/N whirled around and saw a girl and a boy, a little older than her. They looked exactly like her mother Eleven and her dad Mike when they were younger. "Young Mom and Dad?" Y/N asked in confusion. "What are you talking about?" She questioned, now scared.
"You opened the gate again! The mind flayer is going to come back because of you!" The younger version of her dad cried out to her. "It's all your fault!". Y/N backed away, anxiety and guilt overwhelming her. "W-What did I do? I-I didn't mean to-!" Before she could finish, a human-like monster, snatched the younger versions of her father and mother away. "NO! MOM! DAD!" Y/N screamed, falling to the ground. The monster approached Y/N, bending down to her level. Y/N looked at him, tears running down her face. "Who are you?". "My name is Henry, and it seems you have finally set me free". 

Y/N woke up in cold sweat, trembling, and hyperventilating. "Fucking hell" she cursed. Y/N reached over to turn the lamp on, feeling the awful feeling of impending doom take over her. She needed a distraction from the anxiety, anything to take the awful feeling away. Y/N looked around, and glances at her desk, with her sketchbook sitting there. Y/N loved to make art, so she got up and began to draw. Draw that awful monster that she saw and that weird creature with the rows of teeth.
"Y/N... What are you doing up so early? It's 5 in the morning" her dad Mike walked in. His black hair was messy, and he was still half asleep. "It's nothing daddy. I was just drawing" Y/N replied, focused on drawing. "Oh, well I was going to go a pick up your aunt Nancy from the airport in a little bit. Wanna come?". Y/N nodded. "Sure! Just give me a moment to get ready". "Alright, I'll go get the car started, be downstairs in 5".

" Y/N! Let's go, we'll be late!" Mike called from down the stairs. He sighed after no reply and went up the stairs to find her. "Y/N? We need to leave" he announced. Still, no reply. Mike went to her room, but her door was open and she wasn't in there. Mike glanced around her room for a moment when he spotted the sketchbook on Y/N's desk. It was left open, and the creature she was drawing looked very similar to a Demogorgon. Mike went into her a closer look at the drawing, and it was a Demogorgon. He felt his stomach drop. "How does... How does she know what this is?" Mike broke out in cold sweat as the memories of fighting that monster in Hawkins came rushing back to him.
He remembered that awful feeling when he first encountered a Demogorgon. Fear of the unknown, and the uncertainty if he was going to live or not. He began reciting the mantra he'd say when he started to panic. "It's fine, everything is fine, El closed the gate, we got rid of the mind flayer" Mike whispered to himself. Still, the rising tension didn't fade. 'What if this thing was back? What if the gate reopened somehow? Oh fuck, what if Y/N is in danger? What if that damn thing tried to hurt her?' Mike thought to himself. He was hyperventilating now, his heart pounding.
"Sorry dad, I was in the restroom doing my hair!" Y/N entered the room. She noticed her dad's heavy breathing and shaking. "Daddy? Are you ok?" Y/N grew worried and rushed to his side. Mike was pale, shaking and clutching the drawing of the Demogorgon. Y/N tried to snap him out of it. "Dad! Everything is ok! Breath, slowly! Like you taught me! Daddy snap out of it! That drawing is just some monster I had a dream about!" she cried out to him. It still didn't work.
"Mom! Mom! Dad's having a really bad panic attack!" Y/N called out to her mother. El came rushing into the room to see what was going on. "Mike? What's wrong?" El questioned. She peeked at the paper he was holding and saw the Demogorgon. "What... Y/N did you draw that?". Y/N nodded. "Yeah! It's just a monster I keep having dreams about! I don't know why dad is panicking though". El ran her hand through her hair in frustration. She and Mike never thought they would need to tell Y/N about the Upside Down, or Hawkins, or any of that crap. Neither she nor Mike are ready to tell her.
But El saw that Y/N was puzzled and scared for her dad. She sighed and decided to do what was right. "Y/N, that monster you drew isn't exactly... Fake. He was real. Go get some tea for your dad and I'll explain everything, ok?" El told her. "It's real??" Y/N exclaimed. "Yes, I promise to explain everything, Let's calm down your dad first". Y/N agreed and headed downstairs to make some tea for Mike, it always helped him relax.
El snuggled Mike and held him close. " Mike, relax, it's gonna be ok. I defeated the Mind Flayer, remember?" El tried to calm him down. But deep down, she was unsure. They weren't even near Hawkins, so at least if there is a threat, they were far from it. Right?

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