I wont accept

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(Ok so I read a story on Ao3 and the idea gave me a good inspiration for my own obviously mines gonna be different but it's the same idea)


After the trip to the scare force base I'm left with a lot of questions, malroth looks at me as we get close to the castle "hey builder do you really thing annesa is the traitor" he says I sigh "I'm not sure it's so confusing right now" he turns back and sighs "you said it I can't wait to get off this place and go home" I smile "same here can't wait either.."

When we get there Warwick runs up to me with  a request. Me and malroth both greet him as he reaches us "you need anything" I say looking at him "yeah I was talking to the king and I have a request" he starts "I wanted you to build a dungeon, I'd say the best place to build it would be in the underground storage room" I smile slightly "I can do that" I can't say anymore before he's off. I look back to malroth behind me his face looking all scrunched up "these people are so rude here they didn't even ask if you could they just told you to" he huffs "I don't mind i wouldn't really refuse if they asked me, anyway I should get this thing built" I say grabbing out my book malroth nods and leaves me to my work

I lay a blueprint and complete it in seconds it's a simple design but effective, after I'm finished I called Warwick over and showed him it he started telling me something though I mostly zoned out until I heard the words "I'm sorry builder..."

I look up to seeing them put malroth in a cell "what why ar-" I tried calling out before I was hushed by warwick. Feeling anger rise warwick starts saying something though I completely ignore him though I hear malroth look at me and say "how could you build this cell to lock me up in" as I desperately try to explain he turns away and says "forget it I don't want to hear your excuse's"

I didn't want to leave but I was yanked out by some guards and pulled to the garden stunned by what just happened I just fell to the ground and sat for a long time.

After about an hour I got up and left to my room. I go inside sitting on my bed glancing to the other side of the room where malroths bed was, I feel tears sting my eyes "how could they" I say crying while I lay on my bed "I've done nothing but help and this is how I'm repaid"

The next morning there are a lot of rumbling sounds before long there right at the front of the castle, I grab my stuff and head out to look at what it was. When I do I see a troll not just any troll a huge one it was atlas the island overseer "LITTLE HUMANS BUILD NEW CASTLE FOR ME TO SMASH" he says his voice shaking the earth "ILL COME BACK TO SMASH IT LATER SO I CAN SEE MORE HUMAN TRICKS" I almost fall from the vibration he left after that leavening everyone in shock 

Everyone had gathered in the thrown room to hear what the king had to say he went on about a weapon that could bring atlas down not listening to what he's saying until he walks up to me "builder draw up a blueprint for the kazapple cannon"  he says proudly, I look at him for a moment then turn back "no I don't think I will" I see shocked expressions and gasps escaping all over the room which is when I snap "WHAT ARE YOU SO SUPRISED ABOUT YOU LOCK MY BEST FRIEND IN A CELL AND THEN ORDER ME AROUND LIKE IM JUST GONNA FORGIVE THAT I WILL NOT DO A SPEC OF WORK FOR YOU WHILE MALROTH IS IN THAT CELL YOU CAN ALL GET SMASHED TO BITS I WILL NOT CARE WHILE HES IN THERE IM NOT HELPING" I yell as I walk out

Not wanting to be found I had climbed onto the  roof and sat there "that was kinda refreshing" i sigh "refreshing? You just threatened everyone in the castle" I look over to see anessa "sorry I followed after you" she says with a sweet voice "I'm fine with you here as long as your not tryna change my mind" she smiles "I'm not exactly happy with this lovely castle being smashed but I understand why you feel like that, though everyone was dammed without you and malroth you both have been treated horribly here" I look at her she continues "and speaking of that I don't think he should be locked up" she goes to grab something from her chest plate"here just don't tell them I gave you it" she puts a key in my hands then starts climbing down she looks back at me and puts a finger over her lips. I smile at her

After she leaves I stay on the rooftop until nighttime when everyone is asleep i sneak down to the cell where malroth is and quietly unlock it. He looks at me and scouls "what are you doing here" I shush him "We can't get caught" I whisper he doesn't speak after that and just grabs my hand when I offer it we both sneak out of the castle I looks over to him "where do you wanna talk" he scoffs "I don't want to talk"

I cross my arms and stand up straight "I just threatened a castle and broke you out of jail I vote talk" he laughs a bit at what I said "you threatened the castle, YOU!?" I turn to him "yup and they probably hate me now" he smiles "I would have loved to have seen that" I smile as well "I'll ask again where do you wanna talk"

(Ima make a part 2 I love this so far)

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