Before we begin with the next expertly crafted update to this fanfiction, an important clarification from fishyysoup , one of the coauthors.
Hi guys! I feel it is needed to mention that it's been at least a day at this point. When writing the first parts of this in the beginning of 2020, I'm not sure what @officialwifi's intentions were, but in my head it had been over 24 hours in the fic. It was the next day beginning when Lams went together to see Heather McNamara in the newspaper room.
I pulled up to the hotel at 10046 Miranda street. I tried to decide on a game plan for what to do if Burr was there as I walked to the entrance. I didn't really know what Alexander wanted me to do. Question him? He knew who I was. Why couldn't Alex just let the people who were supposed to be investigating do it instead of two 17 year olds?
Anyway, I got to the front desk and talked to the person. "Hi, I'm John Laurens. I spoke with Emily on the phone?"
"Oh, you just missed Emily. How can I help you?" said the person at the desk, whose name tag said Michel.
"Um, when will she be back?" I felt kind of weird asking for this information a second time.
"I'm afraid she won't be. She was let go ten minutes ago. I can't tell you more than that."
"Oh, okay. Thanks anyway" I didn't have a warrant or anything, so I just decided to wait until Burr left his room. It was either that or knock on every door, and I wasn't going to disturb that many people unless it was necessary. Besides, I didn't even care that much about this investigation, I was just trying to be supportive of Alex.
I sat on a bench in the lobby and waited.
*~Meanwhile, with Gilbert, Madison, and Hercules~*
Madison POV
I was very worried about Thomas, as you can imagine. I hadn't been at the track meet; I'd been getting over the flu yesterday. When I heard what happened the next time I was at school (seriously, nobody thought to inform me before then?) I immediately tried to see him in the hospital, but only family was allowed in.
I'd been so worried about my boyfriend, especially now with the whole going-to-an-urgent-care-hospital thing. As soon as I heard about this development from Thomas's cousin, Lafayette, I agreed to come with them to Seattle, even though I didn't know Gilbert or Hercules very well. Was going to try to be with my boyfriend in a strange city even a choice at that point?
We were on the plane now, just anxiously waiting to arrive in Washington to find out if Thomas would be okay.
Happening to glance to my left, I saw someone ... Someone who looked vaguely familiar. The person was bald and looked a bit shocked. They were wearing track clothes and holding a metal stick. They were pacing up and down the aisle from the moment the 'seatbelts' light was off.
I tapped Mulligan's shoulder. "Do you recognize that guy?"
Hercules looked in the direction I was pointing. "Holy shit, yes. That's Aaron Burr."
An amazing cliffhanger done by an amazing co-author. Thank you for helping me figure out where the hell i'm gong with this book. Expect my chapter out in the next week!!
Au revoir my little turtles 🐢