Meredith + Nick (4)

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I'm sorry it took me so long to post the next chapter!!! But first I was sick with Covid and then I had to do so much for university because of everything I missed, that I just couldn't find the time to write... This part isn't proofread, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes, but I wanted to post another chapter today 💕


They were both asleep until Nick noticed some small but sudden movements beside him. The first moments, his eyes and mind too slow to fully recognize what caused the movements, he didn't realize that it was Meredith. Only when she brought up her hands to calm down her own breathing, he realized the heavy breaths she was taking.

Out of instinct he rolled towards her, gently laying his arm around her to give her some comfort. He felt how she seemed to get calmer as she let herself lean into his embrace.

"Thank you." Meredith whispered after some moments.

"Are you okay?" Nick asked concerned, now letting his hand carefully caress over her head, through her hair.

"Just... my mother still haunting my dreams..."

He could hear in her voice that she tried to say it with a small smile, trying to put some lightness into her words, but the heaviness of their meaning was taking over. They both knew how much energy it has already cost her to withstand all the accusations from the people that have been close to her.

Nick leaned in a little closer to put a small kiss in Meredith's hair.

"You are perfect the way you are." He added whispering.

He held her until he felt her drifting off to sleep, and only then he allowed himself to close his eyes as well, as he felt her breathing getting calmer, more even, as she seemed to be able to relax a little more.


Nick had woken up some time ago. He observed Meredith for some time and only then he realized that it was the first time that she was able to sleep longer than him the recent days. And while he was happy that she got some rest, he also worried that it was the exhaustion from the past few days that was overtaking her body now. And he wasn't sure for how much longer she could withstand all the stress.

He noticed how Meredith seemed to slowly wake up, starting to move a little more, turning towards him still with her eyes closed.

"Good morning." Nick whispered, a small smile on his face as he leaned in to tenderly put a kiss on her lips.

"Morning." Meredith answered, only opening her eyes for a short moment with a small smile on her lips as well before she closed them again, not wanting to get up yet.

And so, he gave her a few more minutes to wake up, while he just observed her, while letting his hand caress over her arm, receiving a content smile from her. And if he didn't know better, he would say that she almost seemed to feel okay this morning.

"Mer?" He quietly asked into the silence.

"Yeah?" Meredith answered, opening her eyes now, getting a little higher up her pillow to be able to look at him better, but still staying close to him in his half embrace.

"How are you really feeling?" He asked carefully.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm worried... The panic attack, your nightmares... I- I just- we went on as if nothing had happened... we had dinner with Charlotte... and... I- I know that all this is still on your mind... that it gets to you, that it stresses you..."

"Nick." Meredith whispered to interrupt him. She reached out to him, carefully touching his face. "I- I'm- I need those moments... dinner with you and Charlotte... or time with my kids... because otherwise I feel like I'm drowning... and... I'm trying really hard not to drown right now."

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