Chapter 12 Evil Plan

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Kiara looked at Rose angrily and got up from the seat,she was no longer hungry because she was filled with anger and hate.
      Rose was smiling inwardly that her supposed husband stood up for her while someone was screaming in her head, i am going to get her !she thought with a evil smile.
      What should i do to her,she thought as she entered her room.
    I need a plan,i need to get that bloody bitch she thought again before picking up her phone.
      Grandpa black had already planned something in is head and stood up from his seat.
       Butler Lu went ahead to call Lucian to the old man's study.
At the study
       You and your wife will have to leave this house,he said.
     I will leave as soon as possible but I have got to choose where to stay and not you choosing for me,he frowned while saying those words.
And also you will have to be with your wife as i need a great grand child, grandpa black said while smiling. He was actually imagining his great grand children with him but Lucian was not getting any fun of it and he said,Do not expect that from me and he stood up and walked away.

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