Chapter 8

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      Dinner was ready and it was a custom to the blacks to eat together. Everyone gathered on the dining table except for Rose. She was actually nervous on how to approach them but after some time she came out.
.    The family members turned their heads to see the person who kept them waiting.  Wow!!!,she so cute and beautiful, Simon said then he flet a cold glare and it was from the grat devil Lucian.
   Rose sat near Lucian while the remaining family were gawking at her.
I am rose,Lucian's wife,nice to meet you all,she said to them
      Yo!!when did this monster get married he asked still surprised but shut his mouth immediately.
    Sia his step mom said to rose, welcome to the family my dear and don't mind our manners, we are just surprised she said smiling softly.
    Ok everyone let's eat, grandpa said happily.
   Uhm,i thought grandpa was ill,this old man was only putting on an act,simon thought inwardly.
     Everyone had a thought of their own thought and after dinner retired to their rooms.
Rose layed on the bed with Lucian at the other side of the king sized bed and she drifted off to dream land while the dark man was looking at her with no emotion on his face.

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