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Note: So this is going to be big news and probably a sad one. This book is going to come to an end. 

Not now obviously, but reading the draft and trying to expand it beyond this season isn't going to work. Eliza is involved in too many things and so are her friends. So in sad news, this will be Eliza's final season with the pack. But fear not, there will be a few more chapters with flash-forwards showing the future and everything will wrap up nicely. This includes currently love relationships and friendship, the Mikaelson family, and her business with the Nephilim. I promise the ending will suffice and I think everyone will love it. 

But for now, let's enjoy this season and I'll let you know when the end is near. Also this is gonna be kinda slow and maybe short.



"So..." Elijah Mikaelson spoke up while sitting in front of his daughter and her friends. "We're being targeted."

"Essentially, yeah," Stiles said. "So like now would be a good time to know if like anything could potentially kill you?"

"No," Elijah said. "The last bit of what could destroy our family was used on my late brother. And what could kill my daughter Jessica destroyed with her last breath."

"Well we know so far that the list isn't complete," Scott told Elijah. "Lydia's been trying to find the two other cipher keys to unlock the rest of the list."

"One thing for sure the powerful the supernatural, the more money."

"Meaning you both are at risk and with bloody targets on your back, Elijah," Rebekah said over the phone. 

"So far your names aren't on the list," Stiles said trying to stay optimistic.

"It doesn't matter," Eliza muttered with her arms crossed. "Someone will try to kill us. Or at the very latest make themselves obvious about wanting to kill us."

"Do we rip their heads off, simple," Kol said over the phone.

"For once I agree with Kol," Rebekah also said.

"Killing them won't be enough," Elijah said. "From the looks of things killing on hunter will only bring more onto our doorstep."  

"Well, we know amateurs won't know how to kill an original," Rebekah said. "In our thousands of years together, hunters believe we just like vampires."

"Except we're not," Kol added on.

"Elijah you and Eliza need to get out of that bloody town," Rebekah stated. 

Eliza glanced at her father who looked unfazed. 

Elijah and Eliza bid Scott and Stiles goodnight. Eliza and her father were left alone. 

"Dad..." Eliza said looking at him. "Here me out--"

"Elizabeth, I'm going to be frank with you," Eljiah said with a glass of bourbon in his hand. "for now you are not in the list that your friends have unlocked but we both know for certain that both our names will be on there."

"I know but I can't sit by and do nothing--"

"Do you understand what is going on Elizabeth?" Eljiah asked standing up. "You are dealing with assassin, hunters, going after you, me, Issac, and your friends. All while avoiding the true problem."

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