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Note: We're back. Frist, I apoligize truly for the long, long wait. I hit a writers block and rewrote this chater so, so many times. 

Second it is time for Eliza becoming a tribrid. Much like when Elena and Caroline died and became vampires, the vampire side of Eliza will change her. It will be her biggest obstacle as she is now in the middle of assassins and hunters trying to kill her and her friends. 

As mentioned before this story is coming to an end. This will be Eliza's final stretch in Beacon Hills but until she leaves anything could happen. 

With that let's get into it! Happy reading!



Issac ran into Mikaelson's home. "Where is she!"

"Issac..." Melissa stopped him from running upstairs. 

Scott and Stiles also burst into the house. Scott went to his mother. "Mom, where is she?"

"I need you all to calm down," Melissa said. 

"No!" Stiles said while his heart racing. 'Please tell us this is a joke, Lea can't be..."

Issac got past Melissa and into Eliza's room where her family has gathered around. Hope was there, as were Rebekah, Kol, and Elijah. But Issac didn't care all he saw and noticed was her lifeless body. He listened counting the heartbeats in the room but couldn't hear them. He sniffled and pray to smell her scent but it was gone. Issac walked over, Hope stepped away so he took her place beside Eliza's dead body. 

Scott and Stiles came in and also saw their best friend state. There was blood on her shirt but her chest had healed. 

"What happened?" Scott asked. 

"Two assassins," Derek told them. "One I thought I knocked him out--"

"You thought?" Issac said harshly.

Everyone went silent. Derek knew he shouldn't say anything else, Issac was a ticking bomb, and not in a good way. But he knew it didn't matter now. 

Derek watched as Issac stood up and then lunged at him. Scott and the Mikaelson's tried to pry Issac off but with his rage and anger, he was strong.

"Issac stop!" Hope said finally getting in between and looking at him. "It's not Derek's fault."

"It is and he knows it!" Issac shouted. 

Hope let Issac hold her as he slowly sat back down and began silent sobbing. Derek walked out of the room and headed out of the house but he stopped when he reached the front door. Melisa watched as he just stood there and then walked out but stayed on the patio. 

"Issac," Scott spoke softly. He placed a hand on Issac's shoulder. 

Issac took a deep breath and glanced over to Eliza who still remained as she was. Scott did the same and seeing Eliza laying there an idea came to him. He released his hand from Issac's shoulder and looked at Kira who was coming in with Lydia. 

"Guys, I have a plan," Scott said. 

"What are you talking about?" Stiles asked. 

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