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"Dad..." Eliza said as she and Elijah were in the kitchen. 

"Careful, gently whisk."

"I'm not one for cooking Dad."

"Don't worry we have time."

Eliza smiled at her father as Elijah finished up one course. 

In his mind, there was a repetitive thought. He wished his brother Niklaus would meet his daughter. A daughter who had grown much like her parents, a daughter who loves and cares for her family. And Elijah was certainly grateful for his brother convincing him to live for himself. 

"Hope said she's coming over for spring break." Eliza said bring her father out of his thoughts. "Believe it or not I've really miss her, even though we countlessly talk with astral projection or write countless of letters. In some way she's like a sister I've always wanted."

"I'm glad you both are getting along."

The front door opened and there was Scott and his mother. 

"Surprise!" Eliza said walking over and hugging Scott and Melissa. 

"What is all this?" Melissa ask. 

"Lea and I thought maybe we could have dinner like before. Stiles is coming over too."

"Of course. I didn't think you guys wanted it."

"Well... my father wanted to get to know Scott and Stiles and we thought dinner was a nice way to introduce him to everyone."

Melissa was a bit baffled and Elijah held out his hand towards Melissa. "Elijah Mikaelson."

"Melissa McCall."

The door opened and there was Stiles and the sheriff as everyone look at Stiles. 

"Oh. Sorry."


"Shall we get dinner started?" Elijah ask. 

Everyone was seated down. As Eliza and Elijah place down the last of the food and everyone dug in. 

"So Mr. Mikaelson," Mr. Stiliniski said. 

"Elijah, please. We're all friends here."

"Stiles says you're from New Orleans." the sheriff ask.

"My family are descendent from Norway. But most of our lives we've grew up in New Orleans, lived in New York and a small town in Virginia for a couple years until we came back to New Orleans."

Elijah handed his daughter dinner rolls as she took them then handed them to Scott.

"Traveled a lot?"

"I do. Promise my daughter to take her around the world with my niece."

"That's nice." Melissa said. 

"Elijah, what's your occupation?"

"As of this moment, just being a father to my daughter and caring for my niece who's attending a boarding school in Virginia."

"You don't work?" the sheriff ask confused. 

Scott, Stiles, and Eliza all glance at each other. Well, they certainly didn't know how Eliza's father was going to explain exactly how he's lived for a thousand years. 

"I did. I was briefly involved in New Orleans politics, in my younger years. Musician in France for a few years. Had a small art gallery, which I managed in New York as well. Once I'd volunteer my skills at a hospital when the city was struggling."

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