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Note: I realize my Spanish might've sucked the last chapter. Honestly, I can read, speak, and understand Spanish as it's my second language. I grew up with it but weirdly I never knew how to write proper sentences with it. 

Anyways let's get into the story. 

One more thing we're going to skip the orphans because looking over it there isn't much Eliza can be involved in as she's having this fight with her father and would rather be by Issac's side as he's recovering. 

Anyways enjoy.  


Eliza was in Issac's room as he was resting. She saw the clock and shook him awake. 

"Hmmm," he hummed as Eliza smiled and rested her head on his chest. 

"Time for your PSATs," she said and then kissed his jaw. "Come on."

"Is it possible to just stay in bed?"

"School requirement, unfortunately," Eliza said getting up and grabbing her shirt. 

Eliza picked up her phone and saw a message from Jace. She opened it and read it she sighed and put her phone away. 

"Remind me again why you don't have to take it?" Issac asked getting up. 

Eliza smiled and turned to see him walking sluggishly. "I took it freshman year. And I already took the actual test last month."

There was a knock on the door and Eliza went to open it while Issac went to the bathroom. Scott was standing there. 

"Hey, Issac up?"

"He's up but he's moping," Eliza said stepping out.  "Hungry?"


Eliza headed downstairs and froze seeing her dad and Melissa in the kitchen cooking. 

Scott followed and also froze at the two laughings and smiling at each other. 

"You see what I'm seeing right?" Scott asked. 

"Uh huh," Eliza agreed. 

"Oh, Scott, Leah," Melissa said walking over with plates and setting them on the table. "Come on, breakfast's ready. Where's Issac?"

"Here,' Issac said coming down the stairs. "Woah, what's... happening?"

"What nothing," Melissa said then looked at Elijah nervously. "We just..."

"We both have to get to work but your mother wanted to make sure you both got breakfast in you before your exam. So I offered to help."

"morning, what's happening?" Mr. McCall said walking in from the front door. 

Eliza's phone rang and she saw it was Jace again. "He's a dead man,' Eliza said and turned to Issac. "I'll pick you up after the exam."


Eliza kissed Issac and then headed out the door. 


Issac, Jacob, Scott, Kira, Malia, and Stiles were all that PSATs. 

"Why isn't Lydia or Eliza here?" Malia asked. 

"Lea and Lydia took it their freshman year," Stiles told her. 

"And took the actual test already," Jacob added. 

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