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The castle was magnificent. It stood there as if conjured from the storybook of a child. It was perfect. Every stone was even and square as if those who built were set on perfection as if they really loved what they made. They were walls made to protect a community, to echo with laughter, and be the shelter they needed for the millennia to come. It was a sight to behold and the centrepiece of the kingdom, the tallest tower in the centre having a perfect view of the kingdom. Citizens could only dream of entering such a glamourous structure: hoping to catch perhaps only the smallest glimpse of the king and his children. Though, they certainly weren't children anymore.

His oldest son was nearing his thirties, having worked as the general of the navy since his late teens. His name was Wilbur Soot, and he was, by far, the kingdom's favourite prince. He was tall and slender yet held a confident posture that radiated the strength which he lacked. People in the streets practically fell to their knees for his long, lustrous hair and his elegant, charming smile. He was known for his alluring conversations and enchanting presence. He was often seen parading the docks in his uniform consisting of a white button-down shirt, a brown waistcoat, black trousers, leather boots and his famous dark blue coat that was tailored with golden accents. He had brought the kingdom many victories in the battles at sea, creating a reputation that could never be broken down. He had spent practically his entire life as general hunting down pirates that posed a threat to the kingdom, publicising their trials and, eventually, their executions. Sure, it was barbaric but it was to protect the kingdom and it's people.

Then there was the most feared of the king's children, Lord Technoblade. He had been given the role of taking charge of the army, leading the kingdom's soldiers into countless battles, spilling gallons upon gallons of the enemy's blood. The citizens were known to call Technoblade the "Blood God", naming him after an old folklore that was born centuries ago. Though, this wasn't why he was the most feared prince. It was a known fact that Technoblade was not a biological child of Phil's but was rather found and brought up after a trip to the Nether. This, therefore, meant that Technoblade wasn't human but was a Pigman hybrid. His biological parents were never found but it was clear that he wasn't full Pigman. He had the tall stature of a fighter with a strong, upright posture: it was rather the complete opposite to Wilbur. He had long, pink hair which carefully slipped past the band of a skull mask that hid his face. The twitch of his long sharp ears and the red eyes you could see through holes in the mask stayed in the nightmares of civilians. His sharp jawline was accompanied by two fangs poking out from his bottom lip that was curled into a frown. He was often dressed in an off-white shirt and black trousers with red silk wrapped around his waist. The pigman had a monarch-like red cloak that trailed on the ground behind him. A scabbard was clearly visible on his waist along with a quiver on his back with a crossbow ready and loaded.

Last was the king's youngest son who had only recently reached his eighteenth birthday, Prince Tommy. He had ruffled, curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes you could see from miles away, just like his father's. He wore an off-white dress shirt with a scarlet waistcoat over it with a golden sash wrapped around his waist. He also wore brown trousers that matched his older brother's that were tucked into his black leather boots. Tommy was known to be loud and boisterous, often running through the kingdom with a poor boy known as Tubbo, the two of them causing trouble and minor mayhem to the civilians.

The King himself was a sight behold. He was tall with long blonde hair that was mainly covered by a black hat that had a green gem, perhaps an emerald, dangling from it. He wore a dark green button-down shirt that frilled at the end of the sleeves with high waisted black trousers. With this, he had thrown on a long black coat. On the rare occasion he was seen, his jeweled crown sat proudly on his head, the sunlight reflecting off it. However, this was not the part of him that caught the people's attention. Wrapped around him were two glorious wings. The feathers were a dark brown, almost black. Each and everyone seemed to of been groomed and in perfect condition. The more people looked at them, the more they resembled a crow's wings. No one new how or why the king had such a thing, yet no one had the bravery to question it. They all just...lived with it.

The sun had just barely began to rise, though, the kingdom was already bustling with people: some opening their shops or setting up their stalls for the market whilst others began their shopping.

Walking out the main gate of the castle was none other than General Wilbur on his way for his daily walk down the beach. He had only just returned from a month at sea, attempting and ultimately failing to catch and arrest a known pirate and needing some sort of release from the anger and annoyance that had built within him.

The walk from the castle to the beach was short but very social. People waved, bowed and squealed as he walked past, women practically begging to just be noticed by the man. With every passer-by, Wilbur just gave them a soft smile and nod, hoping that would be enough.

Normally it was, but some people would try and have a whole conversation with him which he really didn't have the patience for so he would quickly find a way to end it and leave as soon as possible. Though he had to admit, some of these people were insufferable.

After what felt like hours later, though was only a few minutes, he made it to the beach and walked along the promenade, his boots clicking against the dark wood planks as he took his steps. Upon the sunny beach, upon the rising gold, his eyes glistened in the light as it played upon seawater.

For once he felt calm. The sound of the waves crashing against the ground. The sand sparkling in the sun. The gentle creaking of the aged ships. The scurrying of people up above in the high street. It was all Wilbur needed to calm his nerves.

In the distance, at the end of the elongated dock, was his most favoured ship: the Serendipity. The sailing ship was fashioned from ancient oak, with masts that stood tall. Instead of its once green foliage, it was adorned by sails of white to dove grey. To see the rich timbers, strong browns close to black, brought a sense of peace inside, perhaps akin to that given by a meadow. Yet for the last few years, the fragrance had not be of wildflowers, but of the open sea, ever-changing, ever constant, ever in motion beneath the clouds.

Sailing the ship was a true dream that Wilbur finally got to live, but being trapped on it with nothing but the crashing waves to keep him company had been torturous and he's glad to be back on land.

He had been head of the royal navy for as long as he could practically remember, being given the responsibilities the moment he turned eighteen. Before that, he had been the prince of the kingdom and bored out of his mind as he sat in his room doing nothing other than plucking at the strings of his guitar whilst staring longingly at the ocean from his window.

Being given the role of general of the navy was one of the many dreams Wilbur managed to make a reality and he cherished that. And he plans to for the rest of his life. There was nothing he wouldn't lose to keep this.

All of a sudden, midway through memory lane, Wilbur heard his title being yelled at him from far behind him. Believing it to be just another citizen wanting to know how his voyage went, he audibly sighed before spinning on his heels with a fake smile.

Though, that smile dropped the moment he saw who was running in his direction. It was none other than his right-hand woman, Captain Cara Puffy. She had been at Wilbur's side since the beginning of his reign and stuck through with him through all his voyages, so to see her running at him with a mix of relief and panic on her face made him concerned.

Once she finally reached him, she froze for a minute, leaning forwards and resting her hands on her bent knees, taking a moment to catch her breath. Under her rapid breath, she muttered an array of words and phrases, all of which seemed to be gibberish to Wilbur.

"Captain, what's the problem? I don't think I've seen you run so fast since the day your ship was under attack" Wilbur questioned, resting his hand on the captain's shoulder.

"Pirate...caught...cellar" the captain puffed, her chest moving rapidly as she still attempted to catch her breath.

"A pirate was caught in the cellar? What pirate? Which cellar?" Wilbur inquired, not understanding Puffy's words at all.

The captain took another few deep breaths before standing up straight, staring at Wilbur directly in the eyes. "The pirate. They finally caught her"

Wilbur froze entirely.

"As in...the pirate?" He continued on questioning, his eyes wide as he felt his heart begin to beat faster.

"The Man-eater is in our custody"

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