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Puffy had ran back to gather the rest of the crew whilst everyone else sat in the city centre, everyone talking to one another apart from you. 

You didn't want to be here. You had nothing against Quackity or his strange version of a city but this was the last place you wanted to be holed up in. Sure, it was practically impossible to find but if you knew it existed, finding it wouldn't be too difficult. If he had been telling the truth, he'll be heading here soon. You were only a few steps ahead but that wasn't enough. 

When Puffy arrived, she had the rest of the crew, many of whom looked confused as to where they were, their eyes rapidly switching between anything they could see. You would have found it amusing if you weren't so exhausted. You couldn't remember the last time you actually got more than a few minutes of sleep, let alone actually sleep on a bed.  So when you saw the crew emerging from the end of the street you were just glad that meant you would be going to the hotel.

Once the crew had arrived, you immediately turned around and walked away, making your way to the hotel. 

You knew the city like the back of your hand. You knew which alleyways to take to avoid people, how to get from one end of the city to the other in only a few minutes, and you even knew which strip club sold the best drinks. You knew the ins and outs of the place. This meant you knew that Quackity had placed you in the fanciest, most expensive hotel in the city, which you thanked him for greatly since that meant every room was soundproofed meaning you wouldn't be able to hear the crew celebrating down in the bar. 

What they were celebrating you didn't know but you heard them speaking about it. You knew you wouldn't be welcome, after all, having a prisoner drinking with them did seem a bit strange. It's not like Wilbur would have let you anyways. 

The walk to the hotel wasn't long, it was only a few streets away. Normally, you would have taken the alleyways but with the number of people following you, that wouldn't be possible. And so, you were forced to walk the busy streets of Las Nevadas as the people began to leave their homes and businesses. As you walked, shocked people greeted you, surprised to see you back so soon and with a group of people who clearly weren't your crew.  You greeted a few, others you just nodded at, not being in the mood to speak. 

When you saw the hotel in the distance, you let out a sigh, knowing that the luxurious bed was just a few minutes away. The building stood proud and tall at the end of a long street, made of clean, white concrete with quartz pillars lining it. Nature surrounded it with varieties of plants decorating it, with vines growing in circular patterns around the pillars. Large curtained windows were set in the solid concrete walls and burnt red tiles lined the roof. Stone statues guarded the entrance, a freshly trimmed lawn decorated with flowering bushes stood before it with a perfect stone path through the centre. As you approached, the carvings on the walls became visible, with each section being a perfect recreation of each major building within the city. 

You made for the entrance, not caring for admiring the building, having seen it so often all that time ago. You walked down the stone path, your boots clacking against the aged rock as you head the group of steps following behind you. A bundle of whispers and murmurs were heard behind you as you pushed the heavy set of dark oak doors, finally making it to the lobby of the hotel. 

The lobby was bustling with activity, with workers rushing to clean up after the escapades that must have taken place during the night, after all, the city is most active at night. A range of seating arrangements covered the area with the main reception area standing in the grand centre, beside it on both sides being two sets of glorious staircases. The indoors was a stark contrast to the outdoors, being all covered in every type of oak with lavish chandeliers lighting the place in a deep golden glow. All of the windows had been covered in a dark tint that only allowed a small amount of light to seep through, most likely to prevent complaining customers after a night of heavy drinking, most dealing with heavy hangovers. 

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