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The sun was barely visible over the horizon, the sky a mixed painting of oranges, purples and pinks, a few clouds just barely noticeable in the distance. The shrieks of the ship creaking were heightened in the silence of the ocean, not a sound to be heard minus the waves gently hitting against the edges of the boat. The tranquilizing effect had lulled the majority of the crew to sleep, the few that were still awake were enjoying their free time, time they often didn't have.

One of the few crew members that were awake, and the only one who continued to work, was Adonis; a young, scrawny kid who had a real knack for navigation. He stood at the ships wheel, keeping his eyes on the horizon as he directed the ship to follow the course he was given. Though he enjoyed his job, it was clear he was getting tired as he constantly changed which foot he put his weight on, clearly sore from a day of standing in the same spot. His face had shown signs of tiredness, his eyes dropping and the corners of his lips lower then usual. Though, that was to be expected when you were the first one awake and the last to go to sleep.

You had seen this from your regular spot at the bow of the ship, observing as, every few moments, he would attempt to wipe the sleep from his eyes. Though, it never worked. So, once everyone had left from the upper deck, you decided to help out. You had walked up to the boy, your chains clanking together as you walked, alerting the already anxious teen. When you asked if he'd like you to take over so he could rest, he simply laughed, believing it to be some sort of joke. However, when he realised you were completely serious, he stopped and stared at you like you were insane. He refused, saying there was no way he would let a notorious criminal take charge of the ship. Though, after far too much persuading and a lot of passive aggression, you got him to relent.

And now, you stood at the wheel, the moonlight just barely illuminating the deck of the ship, an iridescent glow casting long, mysterious shadows. The sun had long since set, the rest of the crew now below deck, snoring away. You hadn't tired yet and you weren't planning on it. Every few moments you would check your compass, ensuring that you were still heading in the correct direction.

You loved the silence and tranquillity of the night. You felt you had no responsibility and no one to impress or nothing to protect yourself from. You were just at peace. And it felt great. But all good things must come to an end.

All of a sudden, you heard a door below you screech open, two pairs of light footsteps emanating from it and making their way across the deck. You took your eyes off the horizon for a moment to look at the stranger, only to realise it was Wilbur and a woman with puffy white hair following behind him. You had seen the woman working around the ship. You were confident to say that she was in a high position, likely the one just below Wilbur himself. From what you heard, the crew referred to her as 'Puffy', though, others called her captain. You weren't particularly sure, nor did you care; either way, you'll be out of their grip within the next few weeks.

Suddenly, you heard Wilbur yell something, gaining your attention. You turned your attention back to him and noticed him rushing over to you with Puffy chasing after him. You stared with wide eyes as you continued to steer the ship, confused as to why Wilbur was running around and yelling at the dead of night.

Wilbur's hurried steps were loudly heard as he ran up the stairs leading to the upper deck you were on and he quickly stopped directly next to you, standing in a wide position with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Can I help you, captain?" you questioned, once again checking your compass.

"Take a step back and keep your hands in sight" Wilbur ordered in a stern voice, catching you off-guard.

Though, you weren't in the mood to argue so you did as he asked, taking one large step back and keeping your hands visible in front of you. "Can I question what this is about?"

"Where were you taking us?" Puffy responded, looking at you with narrowed eyes. Now you were beyond confused.

"I'm...taking you to the treasure? I'm very confused, what spurred this reaction?"

Wilbur took out his own compass, looking between it and the horizon before clicking it shut and turning to look at you. "Where is Adonis? The man I put in charge of steering for the night"

You furrowed your eyebrows, looking at Wilbur and Puffy. Did they think you were taking them off-course? "Oh, please. He was barely a man. The poor kid was exhausted; he had been steering since the sun arose so I offered to take over so he could rest for some time," you explained, fiddling with the rings on your hands as you spoke. "Besides, no one knows the way better then me so it would only make sense to let me steer for some time"

Wilbur stared at you for a second before leaning in to whisper something in Puffy's ear and, before you knew it, she was rushing away, down the steps. You both watched her rush away before you took back your original place, taking your place next to the wheel.

"Just so you know, I wasn't planning on kidnapping you or the ship. Like I said, Adonis was getting tired, so I sent him to bed. He was very reluctant and almost didn't, but I told him he could have my dinner rations and that worked" you justified, grabbing the wheel and turning it roughly 2cm to the right.

"There you go again," Wilbur sighed, shoving his hands in his coat pockets. You looked at him with a quizzical face before he explained himself. "It's like I said the other day, you're sacrificing yourself for the crew. You're giving away your time, your food, and your energy to people who despise you and fear you. I don't get it"

You simply shrugged, taking your eyes off the seat for a moment, turning to look at Wilbur once again. "And, as I said the other day, I'd do it for anyone. All lives have some sort of meaning and purpose. I've exceeded my purpose. I'm not going to get into it, but I failed my one and only job in life. I have no reason to continue this life. Though, for some strange reason, the gods above still think me worth alive so clearly, they believe I have at least one more purpose. I am yet to find this purpose"

There were a few moments of silence between you and Wilbur as he took in the words you spoke.

"I didn't take you for a religious type," he simply responded.

"You don't know me, captain. You might think you do, but you only know the surface. I do not recommend hitting the iceberg and sinking to learn the rest. It's not worth it"

"Well, I thank you greatly for what you have done for my crew. It has made traversing much easier. I would repay you for the word you've done, but you are a treacherous criminal and all, so...yeah"

You chuckled slightly as his awkwardness, rolling your eyes. "It's fine. Besides, we've nearly completely the first part of our journey".

Wilbur looked back up at you, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "The first part? What are you on about?"

"This may be shocking to you, but I don't have the way to the treasure memorised. However, I know someone who does know the way. And, he just so happens to be right over there", you explained with a chuckle, pointing far into the horizon.

Immediately, Wilbur rushed over to the barrier separating the upper deck to the main deck and pulled out a spyglass, extending it and putting it to his eye, scanning the sea line.

And there it stood, bright as day in the dark, summer night. A neon sign double the size of the ship with big, bold letters saying the words "Las Nevadas".

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