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Waking up naked in a strange bed with a warm body behind her was the last thing Bonnie Bennett expected when she opened her eyes.

What the hell?

A strong possessive arm was thrown over her petite frame while a hard chest cradled her back. She blinked a few times uncertain if this was reality or a dream. But the ghost of a breath on her neck told her that this was not in fact a dream.

She squirmed, trying to get away from the stranger's body, feeling an unfamiliar ache between her legs.

What had she done last night?

Bits and pieces came back to her.

Prom, she had gone to prom last night with Matt and they had been crowned Prom King and Queen. Yes, she remembered that and dancing with Jeremy. No, not Jeremy but Silas and then- fangs piercing her neck-


Her best friend had tried to kill her but Bonnie stopped her.


Her fingers tingled remembering the rush of power and the satisfaction she felt upon seeing Elena in pain, a pain she had caused.

But what happened afterwards?

She had been high on magic feeling like she could conquer the world. And she had ended up with-?


Oh my god!

Her heart went to her throat as the vivid memories of the night before came back full force. She had sex with Klaus. She lost her virginity to her worst enemy.

Bonnie jumped out of bed, naked, heart beating wildly and eyes wide in panic. Her throat felt like sandpaper and she was sore. She wobbled trying to locate her clothes, but she didn't care, she needed to get away before he woke up.

Frantically searching for her clothes Bonnie didn't notice the amused expression on the hybrid's face. He had been awake the whole time, counting the heartbeats of the green eyed witch. He knew the moment she woke of course, but chose to remain silent, waiting to see what she would do.

"Are your mornings always so entertaining love?"

Bonnie froze. She pulled her dress in front of her chest in an attempt to cover her nakedness.

Klaus smirked. It was foolish he knew every inch of her body by now.

Her cheeks where flushed when she finally plucked the courage to look at him, "I...I..."

She was a deer caught in the headlights and Klaus was extremely pleased. His eyes traveled over her pretty face, even with tussled hair and smudged make up she was exquisite. The blood rushing to her face and neck and the erratic beating of her heart made his eyes flash golden for a moment as he thought of the taste of her blood.

Klaus licked his lips, remembering the rush of power he felt when he sunk his fangs into her neck the night before. A witch's blood was an elixir to vampires. The more powerful the witch, the more potent the blood. And Bonnie Bennett was the most powerful witch he had ever had the privileged of drinking from. She had awakened something inside of him, a lust that had yet to be quenched and not just for her blood, no.

Last night had not been enough; Klaus realized. He stood up suddenly, unashamed of his nakedness and made his way toward the nervous witch.

Upon seeing him approaching, Bonnie's panic increased tenth fold, "What are you doing?"

Unconsciously she took a step back, shivering when her naked back made contact with the wall. She eyed the door and debated making a run for it but Klaus was faster. He used his vampire speed to trap her between the wall and his naked body, "What's the matter love?"

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