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In the days that followed the aftermath of the battle against the Navarro clan, there were many important matters to attend to for the Original family, the Bennett coven, and their allies. The first order of business was the meeting between the factions which took place after the agreed mourning period. Bonnie, Klaus, and Elijah met with Father Kieran, Vincent Griffith, Francesca Correa, and the chief of police in a well-known hotel in St. Charles Avenue to discuss the new balance of power in the city. Klaus also invited Ishmael to come along. Not only because he considered Ishmael a wise and loyal man but because Ishmael had the respect of all the Alphas and their clans, even that of Jackson and the Crescents and that way, their species would feel respected and better represented in the negotiations.

There were many concerns to be addressed, mainly from the human factions in regards to the growing number of vampires and werewolves that now claimed New Orleans as their home. Father Kieran was obviously wary and wanted to make sure that the humans would not be attacked by either species. Elijah and Bonnie did their best to reassure him and answer all of his questions as did Ishmael. "No werewolves will venture into the city on the nights of the full moon," he promised the priest. "We will stick to hunting in the Bayou."

Another concern for the human faction was all the power the Mikaelson family now possessed, in particular Klaus.

"You are the self-proclaimed king of the werewolves, the leader of the vampires, and I have heard people call your wife the queen of the witches," Francesca Correa had no qualms about addressing Klaus directly. She showed no fear or reverence. She was a cunning business woman who was used to dealing with vampires and was not easily intimidated by them. "You seem to have all the power in the city." Something that clearly didn't sit well with her judging by the look on her face.

"As I did one hundred years ago," Klaus responded without hesitation. The triple alliance he had formed with Lana, the Alpha of the Crescents and Geneviève Claire, the Regent of the witches at that time had benefited all of them greatly and had brought peace and prosperity to the city. "I don't see why that should be a problem now." He had no intentions of sharing his power unless it was absolutely necessary. And the only people he trusted to share that power with were Bonnie and Elijah. Besides, it was his and Bonnie's family who had kept the city safe from the Navarro's. The humans had done nothing and the witches had only lent a helping hand because of Vincent. They were at the top of the pyramid of power and everyone else would have to learn to accept it.

"My brother and Ishmael will ensure that the werewolves fall in line," Elijah intervened smoothly. "And I shall ensure the vampires do the same." As the eldest of the Originals, it was up to Elijah to represent the vampire faction. Even if some vampires like Armand, wanted to be part of the high council as they had been deemed by others.

Neither Francesca nor the chief of police looked particularly happy about that but thankfully, they didn't argue the point further. They both knew when they were fighting a losing battle.

"As for the witches," Elijah continued as he looked at Bonnie.

"I'm the leader of the Bennett coven," Bonnie said quickly. There was something about Francesca that made her wary. Her instincts were definitely warning Bonnie not to trust the woman. "The other witches in this city only respond to one authority, the Regent." Bonnie continued as she looked at Vincent. There were enough rumors about her going around, the last thing she needed was for people to think she was trying to claim all the power or usurp the rightful leader of the witches in the city. Bonnie knew what an important role the Regent had in the witch community and she had no intention of taking that away from her. On the contrary, Bonnie wanted to work with Josephine and Vincent and keep the peace among their kind.

"A Regent who continues to hide in her home," Klaus muttered. The Regent was absent once more, even knowing how important this meeting was, she had opted to stay away. Klaus saw it as a slight. "Old bat." It was said in a whisper but it was loud enough for his brother and wife to hear.

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