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An unexpected storm descended upon New Orleans with strong hurricane type winds and rumbling thunder which took locals and tourists alike by surprise. The cold rain came down hard, pouring over the entire city and engulfing everything in its destructive powers.

The sunny afternoon with clear blue skies had suddenly turned dark and sinister. The air not only crackled with the lightning that descended with a viciousness that terrified people but with magic as well. There was so much power floating in the air, moving silently from one corner of the city to another, jolting every single supernatural out of their skins and letting them known of the extraordinary event that was taking place that day.

The bells of the churches began tolling on their own accord and slight tremors rocked the earth; not enough to cause damage but enough to make people aware that something big was happening. The storm was not a creation of nature, it had been summoned by Bonnie's magic, by the currents of powers that eased out of her body as each contraction hit her.

Every witch in the city felt the sudden change. They all became aware at once that something big was happening in their city. They all felt nervous as their magic pulsed with a strange kind of intensity that they had never felt before. The magic already floating about the city surged and became ten time stronger than before but despite all that incredible power, the witches were unable to perform a single spell properly. They didn't understand why or how it was possible but not a single witch could control their magic that day.

"Our magic is out of control," Vincent commented worriedly. For the past hour or so, he had been trying to light up a candle but instead he had made at least three candles explode, turn another into a puddle of wax, and nearly burned Josephine's living room. "I can't make a single spell work. How can this be?" he looked up into his mentor's face, wondering what the hell was going on. "Magic is increasing all around us, we should be preforming once in a lifetime spells and yet, we can't even do a simple, incendia."

Josephine sat across from him, hands on her lap, a pensive look on her face. "Our magic is responding to an exterior stimulation," she concluded wisely. "Something has awakened all the power in the city, something beyond our control."

"You seem awfully calm about this," Vincent noted. While he was worried and fearful about what this could mean for the witch community, his mentor didn't look worried at all.

Josephine smiled. "I don't believe is anything we have to fear." She glanced out of the window. Outside the sky was dark, rain and wind pelted the roof and windows hard. It was going to be a long night. "Whatever it is, it shall pass." Something inside her told her so. "Do not be afraid."

"I hope you are right," Vincent murmured.

The witches were not the only ones who felt something.

The vampires and hybrids felt on edge. As the currents of magic increased all around the city, the vampires tensed not knowing whether to be worried or fearful. They couldn't exactly explain what they were feeling, only that there was something in the air that was making them nervous and alert.

Belle rubbed her hands over her arms. "My skin is all tingly and I feel nervous and I don't even know why."

"Just calm down, it will pass soon." Riley pulled her into his arms, holding her tenderly.

"Join the club," Josh muttered, he winced with each new clap of thunder. "I don't like this," he complained while pacing like a lion inside a cage. "A part of me wants to run, another part of me wants to hide, while another wants to fight. It's crazy!"

"She's doing this."

All the hybrids and the couple of vampires in the room turned to Alexa. She was standing near the balcony, pressing her face really close to the glass. She was in perfect view of the compound.

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