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The cold wind slashed her face with the viciousness of a knife. She pulled her cloak tighter to her body, her teeth chattering. She constantly looked over her shoulder, ensuring that she was not being followed, that no one in her new home had taken notice of her absence. Her husband and his loyal group of men had gone on another raid, which allowed her the freedom to travel deeper into the forest, to the place where no one dared. She was desperate, she did not know what to do, and there was only one person she could turn for help.

Her hand shook slightly as she pushed the old wooden door open and stepped inside the hut. The burning fire immediately greeted her and warmed her icy face. The delicious scent of spices and flowers reminded her of her mother and she took a moment to breath it in, closing her eyes, and savoring the childhood memories treasured deep in her heart. For a moment, she felt like she was back home.

A woman with long dark hair and pale skin sat close to the fire, her eyes narrowed in annoyance at the intrusion. She did not look pleased to see her.

"Sister," Esther panted, still cold, and out of breath. She pushed her hood off her head and stared at Dahlia with a small nervous smile. "I have come to beg for your help..." she let out in a shivering voice. "Please do not turn me away."

"What for?" Dahlia asked in a rather bored voice and looked at her with contempt.

Esther placed her hands in front of her and took a deep breath, a strange feeling of doubt invading her. "You know I have always wanted children of my own," she began nervously.

"Then go have your Viking children," Dahlia dismissed her with a wave of her hand.

Esther was hurt but she swallowed her pain and stood her ground. Dahlia had always been cold and intimidating but with her, she had always been sweet and caring. Since their mother's passing, Dahlia had taken a motherly role towards her, which was why Esther felt surprised and hurt by her indifference now. She still hasn't forgiven me, Esther realized sadly. Dahlia would never forgive her for marrying Mikael. She looked down at the floor before gathering the courage to speak once more, she had come this far, she had to at least ask. "It's been a full year," she began softly. "And I'm still not with child," she confessed her heartbreak at last.

If Esther expected sympathy or words of comfort from her sister, she received none. Dahlia did not seem to care at all.

"I fear I'm cursed," Esther said and looked into her eyes, hoping that their familial bond would break the ice in Dahlia's heart. "Dahlia please..." she took a step closer, begging her with her eyes. "With your magic, you could help me."

Dahlia stood up angrily. "You come to me needing favors," she hissed. "If you hadn't abandoned your talents with witchcraft, you could help yourself." She turned away from her and stared at the fire, far too angry to say anything else. "But you chose love..." she spat the word with venom. "You chose him..."

"I was never as strong as you," Esther reminded her. "I know that, just as I know that you won't turn me away." No matter how angry Dahlia was with her, she was still her sister, her only family, the person that had loved her and protected her since they were children. "You are my sister, and whatever our quarrels we are bound by blood, please Dahlia...help me," she begged. "I have no one else to turn to. You are my only hope. Please..."

Dahlia continued to stare at the flames, her back to Esther as she contemplated her sister pleas for help.

Esther waited with bated breath, praying that her sister would help her.

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