Soft Sweaters And Cuddles

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Series: Starlighter

Ship: Boba x Briar

No trigger warnings, just fluff.


3rd Person POV

Briar slipped off her shirt and pulled on the fuzzy pastel green sweater over her chest. She looked at herself in the mirror, her hair was down and she had on no make up...Dylan would've killed her for dressing like this.

'Dylan's opinion doesn't matter anymore' Briar reminded herself. The only opinion that matters is Boba's and his current stance is that she should present herself however she's comfortable with. Briar was still worried though, but she couldn't keep him waiting.

The magelica pushed open the bathroom door and watched her boyfriend on the couch in her dorm. He was fiddling with his baby blue sweater sleeves. His sweater was the same as her's just blue not green. His face was pink and he seemed nervous, they two only started dating about a week ago and this was the first time they'd be hanging out on their own.

Briar walked out and sat on the couch next to him, "Are you alright Boba?" Boba looked up at her.

"No, I'm very anxious about this..." Boba's honesty was a blessing and a curse, it made it so much easier for Briar to understand how Boba felt but at the same time, he wasn't afraid to tell you if you looked like shit or were being stupid.

"Well, I can't deny that I'm anxious too, but we'll work together to figure it out,"

"Will we?" Boba looked into Briar's eyes, he was scared.

"Of course," She grabbed his hands, "Let's calm down a bit and watch something on TV, there's a new Didley show I think you'll really like."

Boba smiled a bit, "Okay...can...can we lay down and can I hold onto you?" Briar nodded and laid down with Boba. Boba clung to her arm, the fluff of his sweater clinging to her's. She put on the show on her TV and set down the remote. "What is this show about?"

"Its about a girl going into a portal after her mom wants to send her to a summer camp that's supposed to make her normal. Then she's in this magical fantasy realm and makes friends and stuff."

"Oooooo sounds nice," Briar pulled Boba further onto her so his head rested on her chest and his body draped over her, Briar thanked the gods that made Boba so small and scrawny. The two watched the show till it got late.

"Hey you two," Lucretia smiled as she walked into the dorm, Vulcan following close behind. "What did you get up to?"

Now Boba was asleep on Briar's chest now and she wasn't planning on moving. "We watched a show till he fell asleep," Lucretia laughed through her nose.

"Cute, alright Vulcan and I are gonna go sleep, I'll see you in the morning." The two laid down on Lucretia's bed and cuddled, Vulcan fell asleep instantly then Luc followed soon after.

After a while soft rain began to beat onto the windows, gently lulling Briar into sleep. The two were at peace, they finally found somebody who completed them. And neither were going to let the other go anytime soon.

560 words

Cuties. That's all I have to say. Briar x Boba is a very cute ship and I'll support them no matter what.

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