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I was shocked. Then I remembered the date. And why Jai must be so upset.

"Luke I..."

"You don't need to say anything. I understand you like Jai I just." He saw me crying. "No don't cry. It's ok."

"No it's not. Jai has been a dick and I don't know what to do. I said I'm leaving tomorrow but...but I shouldn't."

"Why not?" He said as I smacked the back of his head.

"Tomorrow is your birthday dipshit."

"Oh yeah." He laughed.

"I don't want to do that to him."

"Well Cassie. With the way he's been treating you, it seems fair to leave him, even if it is his birthday."

"Can I tell you my plan? But you can't tell anyone."

"I swear I won't."

"Ok so. I am going to America to test Jai. If he really does love me, he'll come to get me. That is how I know I can trust him."

He smirked, "Good thinking."

"Ok well, it's getting late." I said.


"Goodbye Luke." I spoke, tears threatening to spill.

"Goodbye." He got up to go to the door. I grabbed his wrist.

"Yes?" He asked.

I kissed him. He was shocked but he kissed back.

"Goodbye." I said, pulling away.

"Goodbye Cassie. I'm going to miss you." He hugged me. I hugged him back.

"I will miss you too. Hopefully I don't have to stay too long." I sighed. He opened the door and left.

I should've told him. What about my boyfriend?

~May 3rd~

Today is Jai and Luke's birthday, also known as the day I leave. I woke up to my alarm clock at 4:30, leaving my house at 5:00 to catch my flight for 6.

I got to the airport and waited around a little bit. I heard my flight boarding, but also the sounds of boys shouting my name. I turned around to see 5 familiar boys running toward me.

"I'm leaving!" I said, starting to cry.

"Don't leave!" James shouted.

"Don't get on that flight!" Daniel yelled.

Beau and Luke were running but looked out of place.

When they caught up to me, Jai looked at me and grabbed me by the shoulders. Then he hugged me so tight.

He pulled away. That's when I realised it.

Jai Brooks was crying.

"Please don't go I..." He couldn't even finish.

"I'm leaving." I said, crying as well. I walked away to the plane doors. Before I entered I looked back.

Jai was in the arms of his friends and they were all giving me dirty looks except for Jai, because he was facing the other way...

And Luke.

He smiled a weak smile and waved his hand a little.

"See you." He mouthed.

"Bye." I whispered, and half smiled.

Jai turned around and saw me about to go into the door. Then he just broke down.

He fell to the floor, crying his eyes out.

I went in.

"Fuck you Cassie! This time I came and I still couldn't change your mind!" He cried.

Yeah well, it's your fault.

Little Big World (A Jai Brooks Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now