Intro & Info

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Hi, I'm Pinkanther. I have too many thoughts in my head, so I had to write them down in what is hopefully an interesting story. I ask that if you have feedback, please tell me what I can improve on or what specifically you don't like about my story. Please do not just bash my story just because you are a jerk. Also, !!!!DISCLAIMER!!!! None of these pictures are mine unless stated! (I'm horrible at drawing but I may upload some of my pictures for this story). Hope you like it!



Month & Day Names

-Month Names-

Ruza = January

Bulm = February

Eveth = March

Vull = April

Kivuk = May

Ruukix = June

Qrizark = July

Urd =August

Tloku = September

Stath = October

Kaimn = November

Zepi = December

-Day Names-

Riw = Monday

Drist = Tuesday

Zu = Wednesday

Wiik = Thursday

Vak = Friday

Kurv = Saturday

Miht = Sunday


>Currency name is glit.

>1,000 copper = 1 silver, 1,000 silver = 1 gold, 5,000 gold = 1 platinum

>Every US penny = 5 copper glit, 50 copper = $1

>One peasant on Eobos can make 200 copper per month

>One adventurer can make a minimum of 30 silver per month if all they do is one F-rank quest per day.

Adventuring Info

>The Sovereign Adventure Organization is the organization that is over all guilds and adventurers. It is commonly referred to as the SAO.

>You must have a Sovereign Guild License in order to have a guild of your own.

>A guild must stay together for 6 months before it can be announced as an official guild.

> A guild must have 30 people in it to apply for a guild license. Afterwards they must maintain a 50-person minimum to comply with SAO regulations.

>You must have a Sovereign Adventuring License in order to be an actual adventurer. The license costs 20 silver and can only be obtained at an official SAO Guild Hall.

> Quests have a 1 silver reward minimum requirement to be considered an official quest and added to the available quest board.

>Official quest ranking from highest to lowest: X, SSS, SS, S, A+++, A++, A+, A, B+++, B++, B+, B, C+++, C++, C+, C, D+++, D++, D+, D, E+++, E++, E+, E, F+++, F++, F+, F. X rank is saving the world, F rank is picking x amount of flowers in a 'somewhat dangerous area'.

>Adventurers can have up to 20 official quests active at one time. They can have any amount of unofficial quest active at one time.

>Adventurers have the same rating system as quests.

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