Chapter 10

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  The heavy rain had stopped the next morning. The was still quite cold so Kayla was glad for the warm cloak. As usual, she headed downstairs for breakfast. The food was especially good today. She had ordered something similar to pancakes with the most delicious syrup that Kayla had ever had in her life. She savored her breakfast and once done she went to her room to check on Vega. She left some eggas out and the window open for him before heading to the guild hall.

  Before she had gone to sleep last night, she had to chastise herself once again about how much money she was spending. She had gotten caught up in the excitement of buying her property and getting her house built. 'After I register Vega, I have to stop spending so much money. I'm not making money fast enough for how fast I'm spending it.' Kayla had a serious talk with herself as she walked to the guild hall.

  Once reaching the guild hall and fully reprimanding herself, she focused on finding some quests. Sense she was spending money so fast she decided to look at higher rank quests. Kayla wasn't going to take a quest over F+++-rank though. She still wasn't very confident in her fighting abilities.

  She found two F++-rank quests that gave 20 silver each. She also found 10 F-rank quests that could be done today before she did her F++-rank quests. The two F++-rank quest would require her to be in the forest during the nigh time. The F-rank quest were the normal gathering quests that she was used to. She smiled at the thought of getting 50 silver from all of her quests.

  It was still early in the morning, around 9:15 am, so with a quick hello to Etta, Kayla made her way to the outskirts of town. While the F-rank quests wouldn't be hard to complete there were still a lot of items to be gathered. She hummed as she went from place to place where she gathered the required number of items for each quest.

  Kayla was quick as possible when gathering the quest items, but it still took her till 2 pm to complete the quests. She made her way back to town and turned in her 10 F-rank quests. She was paid her 10 silver by the quest givers, so she was happy she had rushed getting the quest items.

  After that she returned to the inn. She planned on taking Vega with her tonight. She was going deeper into the forest than normal and even though Vega was small she was sure that the little dragon would help her if she got into a bind.

  At the inn she at a late lunch of mutton stew with a fresh loaf of bread. While eating she used her logbook to find the areas that she would be going to for the quests. The first F++-rank quest was to collect the pelts of a certain type of animal that only was active during the night. The animal was called a lumen jackal and hunted in groups of three or four. The second F++-rank quest was to collect 10 flowers called Heavens Mirror. These flowers only bloomed during the night so they could only be found during the night.

  She left the dining hall shortly after she was done eating. She was going to get Vega, check her supplies, and then leave town. She had decided to set up a camping spot at a well-known cave near the two quest sights. It would be a convenient place to spend the night.

  With Vega comfortable on the top of her head, she got her backpack and left the inn. On her way out of the gates she noticed that the guard were acting more serious than normal. They had also doubled the guards at the gate, and they were all outfitted with more protective armor than before.

  Kayla thought that this was because of the rock troll incident. She was happy that they were taking steps to better protect the town. She had been worried about another rock troll coming and causing havoc in town. The damage from the last rock troll was still being repaired and Kayla didn't want to think about how much damage another troll could do to the town.

  Kayla said a polite hello to the guards as she walked out the gat. They actually nodded a greeting back and Kayla felt that she was making a good name for herself in town. Her mother had always taught her that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. A silly saying but it was definitely true.

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