Chapter 15

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  After finishing their food, Kayla told Thorn to wait in the dining hall as she went upstairs to get Vega. She hurried to the room and was glad to find her little man had already eaten and was on her bed grooming himself. When he saw her, he let out a small coo. She booped him on the top of his head and couldn't contain a laugh at the disgruntled look on Vega's face.

  Not wanting to waste any more time, she quickly put Vega on her head and met up with Thorn. They left the inn and walked to the guild hall while enjoying the crisp air of the morning. When arriving at the guild hall, Kayla led Thorn to Etta's desk for a brief talk.

  "Good morning, Etta."

  "Oh. Hello you two."

  "Anything interesting happen while we were gone?"

  "Just the large influx of new adventurers that we have gotten over the last few days."

  "Another ship must have landed at Angel's Landing."

  "I would imagine so. Oh! Do you remember the town of Rock Barrow? Well, if the reports are correct, there were three rock trolls sighted near the village. Can you believe that? Rock trolls never congregate unless it is mating season, but that is in the winter." Etta ran a nervous hand over the rich wood of her desk.

  "My goodness! Have the adventurers been dispatched already? I hope nobody has gotten hurt. One rock troll was a force of destruction but three in the same place." Kayla could still remember how strong the rock troll had been here in Forest Haven and how many people had gotten hurt.

  "The town hasn't been attacked as of yesterday's report, and the most experienced adventurers have been shipped out last night."

  "Ah, good. That makes me feel relieved." Kayla and Etta talked a few more minutes before saying goodbye.

  Thorn and Kayla walked over to the quest boards and took a moment to debate on what quests to take. Kayla wanted to get some that were more challenging, while Thorn argued that with Kayla hurt and injured, they needed something easier.

  They finally decided on six quests per person that were all simple F-rank quests. Kayla felt that six silver would be enough for the day and Thorn was fine with the quests because they were all gathering quests. With the quest papers in their logbooks, they left the guild hall with Kayla sending a friendly wave to Etta.

  Once outside, it could be seen that the sun had fully risen over the horizon. The streets, even at 7 am, were full and bustling with people. They leisurely made their way over to the local alchemist shop, l'Alchimiste. A French name simply meaning The Alchemist. When they reached their destination, Kayla led the way into the antique looking establishment.

  "Ah. You're here." Adbert nodded at them as they came to a counter littered with different potions. Some of them letting off smoke even though they were sealed off.

  Kayla cleared her throat in embarrassment. She got the feeling that Adbert knew she forgot about coming to see him. The man said nothing more as he led them to a back room filled with advanced alchemy equipment. Kayla was curious about how everything worked and had over a million questions that she wanted to ask.

  Thorn had to smirk at the look of unbridled wonder on Kayla's face and downright smiled when she got close to a jar with a weird specimen in it and the specimen twitched, causing Kayla to yelp in fright. She scurried away from the jar, not stopping until she was behind Thorn.

  "If you would, set your dragon on the exam table." Adbert instructed after setting up a spot for Vega.

  Kayla set Vega down and told the little dragon to behave and to not bite Adbert. Vega looked as if he had been insulted when Adbert came near him with three small glass vials covered on top by a thin cloth. Before Vega could run, Adbert swiftly milked the venom from Vega. 'It's much like how a person would milk snake venom back on earth.' Kayla thought as she comforted the Vega who was now cradled in her arms looking like he had been violated.

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