Chapter 12

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  Thorn and Mia stared at each other. Thorn with increasing hostility and Mia feeling more like a rabbit before a wolf. Kayla could see the tense lines in Thorn's jaw and stepped between the two before matters could get out of hand.

  "Thorn calm down. This is my friend Mia." Kayla did her best to hide Mia's trembling figure behind her. "Please calm down, you're scaring her."

  "If she is your friend, explain to me why Vega snarled at her presence."

  "Vega doesn't really like anyone except for me. They have already met and even then, he didn't like her. I'm surprised he's been as nice to you as he has been."

  Thorn stared at Kayla's sincere expression. That, combined with her willingness to protect this person, made him relax his guard. He still didn't believe that this new person wouldn't be trouble, but Kayla seemed intent on protecting the other. With a small exhale of air between clenched teeth, he put away his sword. Kayla let out the breath she had been holding and turned to smile at Mia.

  "It's ok Mia. We just got back from a long day and we are a little, um..., testy."

  "Oh... Would it be better if I left?"

  "No, it's cool. We were just about to head down to eat. Did you need something?"

  "We were going to eat then leave for a couple of quests. Jackson wanted to know if you wanted to join us."

  "Oh. Um... maybe. What rank are they?"

  "They are both D+-rank. The one that we are going to do first is to take care of some bandits. Then were are going to a village a day's walk from here. They have been bothered by a group of mountain goats."

  "Why are there mountain goats in the forest? Ever sense the rock troll, there have been more and more creatures have come to the forest."

  What Kayla had said was true. Creatures and animals not native to the Great Lumen Forest had been appearing more often. Etta had told her that most of the creatures and animals were from the mountain range that Rock Barrow sat on. Kayla was beginning to wonder if there was someone or something that was causing the animals and creatures to run from their natural habitat.

  "Kayla is hurt and needs rest. There is no need for her to accompany you. Leave us." Thorn had once again pulled Kayla behind himself, using his large frame to block Mia's sight of Kayla.

  Thorn's imposing 7 foot 6 inch height combined with his well-developed muscles made Mia whimper in fear. Kayla, after getting over being pushed behind Thorn once again, grasped Thorn's arm, intending to turn him to look at her. She would not let him bully her friends even if he was trying to think of her wellbeing.

  "Thorn, stop being mean to Mia. She didn't know I was hurt." Kayla did her best to turn Thorn to look at her, but he didn't budge. "Ugh. Mia, go downstairs and tell the others we will be along shortly."

  Mia didn't say a word, just turned on her heel and hurried down the stairs. Thorn watched her till she was out of sight, then turned to look at a disgruntled Kayla. She looked quite cross with him, but he didn't care. He wouldn't let some random female take advantage of her. He had vowed to himself to protect her until he could pay off his debt, and he was going to do everything in his power to do so. Kayla, for her part, was still irritated at him for being rude to her friend.

  "Why were you so rude?"

  "You are hurt yet and tired yet she desires you to head out on a taxing journey."

  "Mia didn't know I was hurt. We haven't seen each other in several days."

  "She could clearly see your bandage."

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