Chapter 3

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  Kayla woke to the morning light shining on her face. She stretched wearing ha huge smile. 'Today I get my first quest! I hope there will be an easy quest still available.' With that thought in mind, Kayla hurried to get dressed. She practically skipped downstairs to eat breakfast she was so happy.

  Once she had had a nice breakfast and gotten her backpack, she headed to the SAO guild hall. Along the way she noticed the way people interact with each other. Nobody was shouting foul language or hurling death threats. Kayla felt that this town was safer than her hometown back on Earth. That was not to say that everything was roses and buttercups, but the people of Forest Haven just seemed to be more tolerant of each other.

  Speaking of Earth, Kayla had promised to send word to her family as soon as she settled. 'After I visit the guild hall, I need to find a place to send a message to them. Even though I received training, my mom still worried that Eobos would be too dangerous for me.' Kayla mulled over what she would tell her family as she walked into the guild hall. There were many adventurers just milling about but Kayla headed straight for the receptionist's desk.

  "Hello. How may I be of service today?"

  "I'm here to pick up a quest. This is my first time doing this, so do you have anything that would be good for a beginner?"

  "Yes, we do. There are several F- rank quests that are suitable for beginners. Do you see those boards to the right with papers on them? Those are the available quest boards. Please remember that you can only have 20 official quests at one time."

  "Thank you. I doubt I'll take 20 quests today."

  "Haha. I understand but most others always have to be reminded. If you need any help after choosing a quest, please come and see me."

  "Thank you, ma'am. I appreciate the advice you gave me yesterday as well."

  "Please call me Etta and you are very welcome. Usually, I don't interfere with adventurers, but you have been so polite and patient. I can't tell you how rude most people from Earth are that come here. Just because they have some glit they act like we should all serve them." Etta huffed in irritation. Kayla knew how most people from Earth acted. Yesterday when she had first arrived there had been several adventurers who were arguing over quests. They had been very loud, and it eventually broke into a fight.

  "I'm sorry that most earthlings are like that. If I ever get that way you have permission to slap me."

  "Hahaha. I'll hold you to that, but I highly doubt that you will ever be that way." Etta and Kayla shared a laugh.

  Kayla said her goodbyes and went over to the quest boards. A quick look and she noticed that all the quests were arranged by rank, so she went down the line until she found the F- rank quests. She wanted something very simple and easy, she was still a bit nervous to do a quest by herself.

  "Let's see, picking bramble weed, finding a lost pet, cleaning a workshop..." Kayla mumbled to herself as she looked through the quests. Finally, after a few minutes she found two quests.

  The first was to gather 50 sleeping star flowers and the second was to gather 50 white tea mushrooms. Both of the items were very common to the area, so Kayla felt confident that she could complete the tasks. Taking the quest form Kayla noticed that it was more detailed than she had originally thought.

  The front of the form had the quest information, the name of the quest giver, where to turn the quest in at, and the amount of glit that was the quest reword. On the back it had the legal information and places for the signature of the quest giver and the person who was turning in the quest. It even had an area for commendation or complaints for the quest giver to write about the person who had done the quest. Kayla put both quest forms into her logbook as she didn't want to lose them.

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