Journey to the Enchanted Forest

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"I shouldn't have left the comfort of my warm bed!" Atlas grunted as he shift into his wolf form. He realized he could better survive the dire weather by being his wolf because it's more lenient than his human self. His fur had immediately coated with frost as he trailed behind Xerxes who's rather quite than usual. With their thick furs, the weather was much tolerable for them to reach the enchanted forest alive.

They have been walking more than two hours by that time in the middle of snow storm and darkness of the night - miles away to their destination. No words were spoken between the two, just series of warm heavy puffs that veer into fogs. Their feet dug deep in the raw snow, however their trails were shortly covered by another layers of snow pouring on them.

Two bags were tied hanging on either side of Xerxes. Both weight the trueblood but it could never compare how heavy his heart throbs in his chest. He couldn't hide from the other wolf how eager and anxious he was. They only got this one recourse and after this, they have nothing in hand. Xerxes should be able to convince the unnamed folk without drawing blood because if that happens, he will loose. He can't hurt his rival for they are bonded to his mate. The folk dies, his mate dies as well.

Atlas nudged his snout to the other as a form of encouragement. Suddenly regretted his initial argument. The other glance behind him and nodded his head to his beta as recognition.

At long last, after battling with the strong swirls of freezing wind and heavy snow, in front of them was the sight of their destination. The gigantic trees blanketed in the whiteness of the snow stood untethered.

The two did not waste any time, soon after they entered the magnificent forest. It's beauty never cease to mystify their eyes. The moon flowers, despite covered with snow, still managed to glow in the dark. The before lighting small creatures that welcomed them now nestled underneath every tree, seeking for protection. They remained the stream of light giving the two werewolves chance to clearly wonder their sight and appreciate its beauty.

Upon arrival, the trueblood feels a sudden tug in his chest. It's the same weird feeling that weakens his body - his system malfunctioning, forcing him to shift back to his human form. His body collapsed on the ground in a second after shifting.

"Xerxes, what's wrong?" Atlas shift back as well, aiding his friend to recline. The snowstorm in the enchanted forest was triple stronger than earlier, they will not survive without any source of heat despite their thick fur. Specially, Xerxes was in the vulnerable state, trembling before him.

There's nothing other than tress and bushes covered with snow. Nothing could provide the needed warmth Atlas prayed they had from that moment. Downcasted, the beta carried his friend under the nearest tree. He clothed both their naked bodies with their own clothes. He gave extra layers for the true blood who looked up to him with a small smile. "Thank you for coming with me." Though he didn't reacted earlier,  he clearly heard his friend's words that made him feel sorry for the other for dragging him into his miserable fate. The beta just rolled his eyes but it was paired with a gentle smile. "Of course, you can't live without me."

Heavy and difficult breathes coming from the trueblood made the other wolf in distress. Xerxes face was distorted as he was clutching his chest, grunting in benown pain. "Fuck…let's leave this place." Atlas shrieked when he saw his pal's nose drawing blood. He could totally smell the mettalic whiff in the frigid air.

"You…can go…Atlas," Xerxes tried to speak between pained growls and heavy pants. His friend's hands clasp his own, shaking his head in opposition. Atlas remained strong for his friend, it's the only thing he can do to help in that moment when Xerxes was near to giving up. "I better die here…atleast…the moon will not mock me for failing…I have tried to conquer her quest." After those noble words, Xerxes fell unconscious on his friends hold.

"Xerxes! Wake up!" Atlas shook his friend continuous times, a tear rolled down his pale cheeks. The man on his arm was not just a mere friend but a brother for him. They grew up together, trained, hunt and shared every smallest secrets in the world. How could Atlas let someone so dear to him perish before his own eyes? "Brother…"

"I warned you to never return," the voice from a distance spoke, gaining Atlas' attention.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" He growled, holding the trembling Xerxes closer to him as he searched for the source of voice.

Later that moment, a hissing sound was heard. A pair of glowing sharp golden eye appeared in front of them. Her body was long pitch black with sharp scales scattered all over her skin; body a size of a regular coconut tree; body rough and deadly as it slither closer - a viper.

The conscious wolf gasped in disbelief and terror. The size of the creature could effortlessly swallow their freezing body. "Shit…I'm not delicious, significantly, this one," Atlas' eyes widened, never leaving the viper before him in case it would suddenly attack them.

The snake slithered closer to them. Her eyes fierce peircing at Xerxes direction. In a split second, before Atlast could ever blink, she turned into a woman form. Her hair dark as the night and eyes remained to its golden glow.

"He's dying," she announced and turned her heals to leave, but Atlast remembered the identity of the woman. Her voice sounds vaguely familiar. A certain memory spanned Atlas from his train of thoughts. "His mate…" he whispered to himself. Shouldn't she be the one to help his fated love? Should Atlas let the odd danger he could feel from the woman and ask for help?

He's in a desperate situation. Whatever the reason why the lady don't have sympathy over her mate, Atlas needed to do something for his unconscious friend. "Help us…help your mate," he pleaded.

"Why should I?" A satisfied grin plastered on her pale face, not sparring any glance.

"He's your mate…please…just take him somewhere safe," the beta pleaded more.

The lady froze on her spot. Not because of the beta's pleads, but rather because of the man in cloak walking in their direction. "My lord," she whispered to the cold air, her breath turning to cold hazes.

The sorcerer reached his familiar, face halfway covered with his hood. Only his velvet lips were shown. He gently caress Jennie's cheeks while the lady leaned closer to his touched. She tried her hardest to restrain her abnormal beating heart. She was frightened that the sorcerer would learn about her betrayal. Her secret.

The moment was swift as the sorcerer continued his way to the two wolves. Giving off not a slightest emotion. How could the lady know if she's exposed or not? The lady was left fazed and nervous to what to come as he glanced back to the wolves under the tree. "No," she pleaded in inaudible whisper.

The beta was astounded to see the folk they were searching for. He emits an immense dark aura making the surrounding more freezing and lethal for the two wolves. Atlast couldn't utter coherent words as he knows how helpless he was compare to the wizard hovering above them. He then wished Carnal was there because he's fascinated and never afraid of wizardry and crafts. He could handle this kind of situation better.

Then after, the man in cloak lower his head at the unconscious pureblood, his gaze remained on him in the longest moment. Atlas protectively pulled Xerxes closer to him, gripping the fabricc of his unconscious friend's clothing.

"Stay back!" The beta growled as a warning. But it's useless. It neither bothered the other nor gain his attention.

"You came earlier than I have expected," a grin formed on his lips while his dark orbs trail over the pureblood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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