10. The Shack

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"I'm still annoyed I wasn't allowed to drive, you know." You spoke up halfway through the car journey.

You didn't like sitting in silence. It made your mind wander to thoughts you didn't want to think of. Thoughts to do with your sister.

A trashy pop song played on the radio and Steve was singing along badly. Robin was staring out of the window, trying to escape the torturous noise.

Steve stopped singing for a short second to respond to your statement, "I wouldn't trust you with this baby even if you had a license.. which you don't."

"You let Max drive before." Dustin pointed out. He was sat beside you messing with his walkie.

"I was passed out!" Steve exclaimed, twisting the wheel as you made your way towards a small cabin.

"Oh, we're near lovers lake?" You change the subject, leaning over Max to look out the window. "It looks kind of crusty so we must be in the right place."

"Y/n." Max said.

"What?" You asked, not taking your eyes off the surroundings as you observed.

"Do you mind moving?" She asked.

You blushed bright red when you realised you were leaning on her a little too much.

"Sorry." You said, making your way out of the car now that it was stopped.

"Well, this isn't creepy at all." Dustin said, noticing that it was getting pretty dark outside.

"Eh, we're tough aren't we." Steve said, giving him a nudge.

"You aren't." You whisper jokingly, gaining you a shove from Steve.

"Don't bully kids, Harrington." Robin rolled her eyes, striding towards the locked house.

"Looks like no one's home." Max said as she shone her torch into the window.

It was completely empty and all the lights were turned off inside. There was no way of telling how long ago it was when a person had stepped foot in there.

"Eddie! Eddie!" Dustin yelled, "It's your friends, we come in peace."

"Eddie?" Robin tried.

"Eddie, it's Dustin, are you in there?" Dustin repeated himself.

"Is that a foot?" Steve questioned, pressing his face onto the glass.

"No." Dustin cut him off as if he was a child, "It's a shoe."

"Oh." Steve backed away awkwardly.

"Wait, there's a light on, here, look." You stepped away from the cabin and towards the shed behind it.

"If I was running from the police, this wouldn't be a bad place for me to hide." You say, pushing open the metal door.

"It's a little gross in here to be honest." Max said, "I would hate it. If I was running from the police I'd leave the town."

"I'd hide in plain sight, no one would expect it." Dustin added.

"Or like in a Mall or something." You said, "The you've got food supply, clothes and cover."

"You've all thought about this a lot haven't you." Robin rolled her eyes.

"Sort of." You grinned sheepishly as you continue to fish through the stuff, "Steve. Why do you have an oar?"

You looked over to the teen. He was prodding some sheets with this random oar.

"She has a good point." Dustin added.

"Considering how many times we've all almost died, I think it's time we started to take some precautions." Steve shrugged.

"Always the babysitter." You joke, "Just rip the sheets off, don't be a pussy."

"Alright, if I'm a pussy, why don't you two do it." He looked between you and Dustin.

Dustin simply raised his palms, "Do I look like I was volunteering?"

"You guys honestly." You rolled your eyes as you ripped off the sheets. Nothing.

"See, nothing to worry ab-"

The problem was that you had spoken too soon.

All of a sudden, you heard the noise of sheets crumpling and the flick of a pocket knife opening. You felt someone yank your head back and pull it into a headlock.

You screamed in terror as someone dragged you backwards into the wall, pressing a sharp cold object onto your neck.

"Eddie Munson." You could barely manage to say his name due to the fact that you couldn't even breathe.

At this point, you were beginning to doubt the fact that he didn't kill your sister. And rage was slowly starting to bubble up. Shit.

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