tour dates

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I'M dedicating this chapter to, SamyLazo cause she reminded me that I actually wrote a story on here so I'M trying to write better cause I wrote this when I was 13 so Yeah here we gooooooooo
Nothing has been happening for the past 2 days, .besides lots of cuddling
and kisses. Today I am going to a meeting with the boys about the tour we're going on, I'm bringing poppy with me because she is quiet but will speak her opinion any giving moment and blade and Jake are just too loud sometimes,but I love them.
"So we should plan on getting on the road soon" said some dude at the head of the table,can't remember his name Matt? Tom? Jerry? I'm getting distracted by cartoons..."so it will start July 7th all the way to September 25th okay?" I just nodded with everyone, I just want cartoons maybe ice cream Oh! A salad Yeah that's good- "Scarlette? Did you hear What I said?" Andy asked me and chuckled " nah I was thinking about cartoons and salad why?" "Just letting you know we got the tour coming up really soon" "I know why What date are we?" "June 30th" oooooohhhhh I need to pay attention more huh? "Got it bro " we left to go get some delicious fattening McDonald's.
I wasted the rest of the day watching a French show,I know French no judging you're just jealous! Anyway I had a big bowl of salad and a jar of peanut butter I don't even know where the boys went probably getting booze, I wanted to start packing for the tour but I am soooooo lazy It's not funny.
I got the courage and I'm packing for tour a four month flipping tour and I'm pretty sure that other bands will join but I have no idea HOW MUCH to pack so I packed 35 tees 20 tang tops and 37 pairs of jeans and shorts with two sweatpants and socks and undergarments I was done for now it fit in two suitcases and my bag was going to have the essentials, I heard the door close and familiar voices boomed there way throughout the house "Hey! Be quiet I'm tired "I yelled I plopped down on my bed and crawled under my covers trying really hard not to laugh "baby are you okay? I swear I'm not drunk " ash said walking into the room, "baaaaabbbyyyy " I whined "Yes ".he said coming to my side lifting the covers to hug me but was greeted to me in just my undergarments he went wide eyed "I kinda want you right now "I said to him trying to be as seductive as possible but for pickles sake I hope I don't sound like an idiot "give me one minute "he said and rushed out the room.
Ashley came back into The room 10 minutes later with a big smile on his face "I told them you weren't feeling good and to go to the club without us "I didn't waste time I jump into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands in his hair with were so soft, kissing with need and passion he threw me onto the bed...................................................................................................................................................... (A/N I'm not gonna write sex parts but if you want I will write it after this chapter )
We were cuddling "so do you have anything packed yet?" I asked Ash he shook his head "I'm way to lazy I can wait till the day before "I only chuckled at his child ways and played with his fingers entering my own thoughts What if Ashley lost interest in me or something like saw all the other girls in small clothes and was like she's too innocent or something I needed reinforcements I grab my phone and text blade
B:of course tomorrow were going shopping!!!!!
S:okay come over at like 11
B:got it
I breathed a sigh of relief "you okay baby?" I looked up at ash and smiled and nodded "I'm gonna go shopping with blade today " he nodded and got up to get the remote I was checking out his ass he has quite the ass for a boy then again his name is Ashley...
"Look I know your. Looking at my ass" I giggled and threw a pillow at him "Shut up " there was a beautiful knock on the door and by beautiful I mean savage and blades voice "stop FUCKING and answer the door " I giggled and yelled ""It's open " she walked in with her eyes covers "It's safe hun "I got my purse and pushed blade out the door and kissed Ashley "it might not be safe later tho " he said in my ear I. Just smiled and walked out the door for a Nice day of shopping.

I know It's not long but I get really bad writers block I have four books that aren't even finished cause of it but I tried.

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