• What If?

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With a big smile on my face, I get out of the car and make my way to the entrance of the Veterinary Hospital, the building I can now call my workplace

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With a big smile on my face, I get out of the car and make my way to the entrance of the Veterinary Hospital, the building I can now call my workplace.

The phone call with Chris and our little text messages boosted my mood immensely so I am finally able to feel this kind of happiness again.

I didn't know how much I had missed his voice until I heard it over the phone an hour ago, the sound almost broke my heart, again, when it echoed though the speaker. Hearing him as he said my name stole the last bit of air I had in my lungs and made me unable to speak. Only when he said my name a second time, I was able to use my voice again, even if it was barely more than a whisper.

My brain finally lost the war it fought against my heart for a long time, and it felt right, it still does feel right. I have overreacted, withheld him the chance to explain why he kept this part of his life a secret, when all he was scared about was exactly what I did - leaving him.

Even if I understand his reasons now, the betrayal is very much present and I know that there's still a long path to go, and a lot of decisions to make, but I can't deny how glad I am that I called him, and I think he is too.

I reach the front door leading into the building when Tina is already waiting there, leaning with her back against the white facade of the clinic, holding a clip board in her hands which she's looking at. I assume she's waiting on me.

"Good morning, Tina." I greet her.

"Good morning." she smiles at me as her gaze meets mine, lowering the board as she pushes herself away from the wall, "Ready for your first day?

I return the smile, closing our distance, "Yes, totally! I'm so excited."

"Great. Come on, I want you to meet the team." she says, indicating me to follow her inside.

We head further into the building, walking through the waiting area over to the white double doors when Tina leads me to a room at the end of a long hallway. Walking past lots of doors that are leading into different rooms, treatment rooms, operation rooms, we reach the door she guided me to. I spot the small sign next to it, labeled with 'meeting room'. Tina opens the door when I follow her inside.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee instantly fills my nostrils when I walk into the big room. There's a long wooden table in the middle of it, black swivel chairs placed around it where a few people are already sitting on, talking with each other, all dressed in the same green colored workwear.

"Guys." Tina speaks up when we reach the table, all eyes on us the second the word left her mouth, "This is Alison, our new vet at the clinic. Alison, that's the team."

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