• I'm Yours ⋆

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The second I blink my eyes open, I very much wish to just fall back asleep

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The second I blink my eyes open, I very much wish to just fall back asleep. I release a desperate groan as I close my eyes again, pulling the comforter over my head to shield me from the bright sunlight as I perceive a dull pain radiating from my head.

I stay under the covers until my whole body heats up, waiting for some magic to free me from tghe pain and before I die at a heatstroke, I remove the covers, keeping my eyes in its closed state.

With a sigh, I slowly open my eyes to adjust to the light, noticing that I'm not in my bedroom. Nor any room I know. When I look around, I spot a glass filled with, I assume, water and two pills on the left nightstand, and underneath a white piece of paper. I sit up and take it.

I guess you'll need them.
Just in case you don't
remember last night :)

I smile as I faintly remember him picking me up yesterday, and also because of him writing his name on the note, and also because he wrote it. But anything other than remembering the fact that he picked me up, there's nothing but a blank space in my brain. Little memories like drinking and dancing with Laura and her calling Adam her boyfriend, but apart from that - blankness. I'll have to ask her later for more details.

And then a cold shower runs down my spine, forcing me to completely sit up in the bed.

I don't remember any conversations I had with Chris, either. And as I know drunk me, I doubt we didn't talk, I talk like a waterfall when you give me alcohol. But I have a feeling that it may be better that I don't know how much of a fool I made of myself.

But why was he even there? As much as I try to remember, I just can't.


Despite the urge to just stay in this very comfortable bed to prevent myself just a little while longer from the conversation I will have to have with Chris, I get up and walk outside the room, trying to find a bathroom so I can brush my teeth. As I look to my left, I spot a staircase, opposite from the door I just walked out another door, and another one at the end of the hallway.

At the sight I think to remember that I walked down that hallway yesterday, so I aim for that door, and to my surprise, it's exactly the room I was looking for. At least something works out.

I walk towards the sink and when I take in my appearance in the huge mirror hanging above it, I wish I just had stayed in bed. My mascara is smudged, my eyes red as I would be on crack, if that's what crack does to you - how should I know - and my hair looks like I've just been out of the woods after losing orientation for days.

God, I hope I didn't look like that as Chris picked me up, how embarrassing would that be? My gaze wanders down to the sink and I spot a toothbrush, but before I have to ask myself if this is mine, I see it laying on a - you guessed right - white piece of paper.

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