• Jealousy

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"You're doing it again

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"You're doing it again." I hear Scott's voice coming from the passenger seat and when I follow the sound, I see him looking at me with a slight smirk.

I furrow my brows, "Doing what?"

"You're smiling like an idiot." he says proudly before turning his attention back at the passing landscape, "I wonder why that is so."

The corners of my mouth twitch slightly, knowing exactly what he's meaning with this and what can I say - he's completely right.

Since Alison called me, happiness creeped its way back into my life, filling me with this warmth that I haven't felt for so long. I can't help thinking about her, to be honest I never stopped, but now it doesn't ache in my chest anymore when my mind keeps spinning around her, I'm just honestly and purely happy. And the fact that she's going to call me when her shift ends makes me the happiest man on this whole fucking planet.

Nothing can ruin this day.

The sound of my phone ringing over the hand-free system makes me bring my attention back into the car. Before I can even raise my hand from the arm rest, I see a hand moving from the corner of my eyes and Scott picks up.

"Hey mom." He greets her.

"Scott?" I hear her voice, sounding a little bit confused, "I'm sorry honey, I was actually trying to call Chris."

"You did mom," I chuckle. "We're in the car."

"Oh, where are you guys going?"

"We were in town, now we're currently on our way back home."

"Why don't you two stop by when you're already in the car? Carly and the kids are on their way right now, we could all eat lunch together."

"Sure, I just need to get Dodger first. He's already alone for three hours." I explain. Dodger's okay with staying alone for a few hours and since we were for a run in the morning, I assume he's knocked out on the couch right now. But since I haven't seen my niece and nephews as much as I'd like to over the past few weeks, I doubt that they will let me leave right after eating, and I also missed these little troublemakers like crazy, meaning I want to spend as much time with them as possible.

"Great honey, see you soon." she says and ends the call.

When we reach the end of the graveled driveway leading to my house I park the car in front of it and sprint towards the door, unlocking it before stepping inside.

"Dodger!" I yell before walking over to where his leash is hanging at the wall.

When I don't hear the familiar sound of paws clicking on the wooden floor I yell again, "Come on sleepyhead, we're heading to grandmas."

Releasing a sigh I make my way towards the living room, frowning when I find the couch and his dog bed empty. I turn around to head to the kitchen when I see the door to the backyard wide opened. That's weird, I never let doors open when I'm going somewhere, and I also don't remember leaving it opened today. I step outside and look around if I can spot him. But no dog. "Dodger? Where are you, pal?"

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