• Until The Last Breath ⋆

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When I open my eyes, the first thing that comes into vision is Dodger's head that's resting on the mattress right in front of me

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When I open my eyes, the first thing that comes into vision is Dodger's head that's resting on the mattress right in front of me. He's standing next to the bed like a statue, staring at me without blinking.

"Hi." I whisper.

He's waggling his tail now but still, no blinking.

A new wave of tiredness hits me and when I peer at the alarm clock on the nightstand, my eyes close again.

6:12 am.

Four hours of sleep are way too little for me to function already and after mere seconds, I begin to doze off again. I can almost point out the moment when my brain is about to turn off when I hear a whimper.

I stretch  out a heavy arm and tap my way to the whining dog, patting him on the head, "Shh, go back to sleep."

When he doesn't move, I force one eye to open, seeing him stand his ground. Still no blinking.

My "You need to pee?" was all it needed for him to move, running toward the bedroom door.

Now I'm the one whining, removing the blanket from my body. Goosebumps spread from my skull all the way downwards to my toes, causing my body to shudder at the sudden temperature change. I'm about to sit up when a hand snakes its way around my waist, pulling me back under the warmth of the blanket.

I'm pressed against a hot chest, my skin prickling at the contact with my bare back.

Chris groans, almost sounding mad, "Where do you think you're going?"

I suppress my smile. "Dodger needs to pee."

I feel him nod before he sighs. He tightens his grip around me before hovering his lips right above my ear. "Don't move." he pecks my neck once, "I want you exactly like this when I come back."

He forwards himself against me and at the feeling of his hips pressed against me from behind I shudder, feeling warmth spread in my lower body.

My back arches on its own and I have to press my thighs together in anticipation.

I smirk, my eyes still closed, "Yes, sir."

"Good girl."

With a twist of my already hard nipple, he removes himself from the bed, laughing in a diabolical way at the moan that leaves my mouth.

I turn around to steal a look of him, watching him as he exits the room the way I admire him the most—

Without his clothes.

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