Chapter 6

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It's Monday now. Han wasn't sure if the whole 'be friends with Minho' was the right idea. Since Thursday night, he's been blowing up the chubby cheeks phone.

Every morning, throughout the day, in the evening. They saw each other in most of his  classes, but Minho thought to always text Han.

Minho was finally happy, eternally. He and Han were friends and now he can explore these lingering feelings for him. 

Thus Minho and his friends were out in the courtyard during chem. It was the only class Minho had without Han. Chan was sitting on the picnic table enjoying  the sun, while Seungmin sat with him reading a book. Hyunjin and I.n were playing in the small pond they had, and  Felix and Minho took a walk around. Changbin was with them also, they were all good friends since childhood.

"So are you coming over Bin?"

Changbin whipped his head around, "What?"

Felix was confused at the shorters sudden outburst. "Ya, we're doing a movie night right?"

Minho just walked as he listened to the two bickering. It was obvious that Changbin liked Felix but the sunshine boy didn't know. Everyone else did though, he was just two oblivious and in his own little world.

"Ya we are.."

Felix skipped along the path, "Okay!"

"That was real smooth Bin." Minho says as he chuckles, watching Bin turn into a strawberry.

"Shut up..I was confused for a moment."

"You've liked him for a long time"

"But I don't think he likes me..."

Minho stopped in his tracks in front of Changbin. Standing with a blunt expression. "He's my brother. I know him well. He likes you bin."

The shorter began to walk past Minho, "You might be his brother but you don't know his real feelings. It could just be a friendly love.."

Minho rolls his eyes, people can be so stubborn when things are right in front of them, yet Minho has no room to talk.  Soon class was over and they all headed back inside for their afternoon classes and  lunch. 

It was the end of the day. Minho's last period and he had nothing to do. He didn't want to bug Han cause he was already texting him on his phone. So the brown haired decided to take a nap. The cool fall breeze came into the window, with the sun shining on top of Minho's head. It felt like a warm touch and he dozed off for a little while. Until he was awoken abruptly. He groaned as someone was rapidly tapping on his shoulder.

He rubs his eyes as he sits up. There's a girl standing before him, not a girl he didn't know though. It was Jihyo, Sana's friend who was Chan's sister. Everytime Minho would hangout with Chan, Jihyo would abruptly show up because of Sana.

He knew she liked him but Minho didn't care. Sana and Jihyo were in the grade below so it was rare to see her here.

Minho squinted in confusion, "Jihyo?"

The small girl smiled brightly, "Hello Oppa!"

Minho cringed at the name, he never liked the word 'oppa'  . It sounded so weird and made him feel queasy.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh! I wanted to hangout with you after school."

"I'm busy after school actually.." Minho wasn't busy. He wanted to go home and sleep actually.

"Really? With what?"

Minho began to pack up his bag avoiding eye contact. He never liked lying or being lied to, yet for this situation it was an exception. "I Have to clean the house and study. My parents are coming over.."

Jihyo nodded slowly, "Oh..Maybe another time then!"

Then the black haired trailed off  out of the classroom. Minho sighed letting the knot in his chest disappear and soon went home.

All of this aquitened love made him  not want to love anyone at all. Yet he still had hope, Hope called Han Jisung. He wasn't fully sure that these lingering feelings for the shorter were 'love'  but he believed that there was something there.

As for han. He watched the younger come in and head for Minho's desk. He knew he shouldn't be pondering into there conversation but it wasn' like he heard all of it. He was curious why an underclassman was coming to see minho. The brunette glanced at the two and to see Minho lightly smile made Hans' stomach develop butterflies.

Han whipped his head back to his books- what was that..- Did Han just get butterflies for Lee Minho, the number one crush in the whole school? His mind replayed the tallers smile  in his mind over and over.

His pearly white teeth as they showed through his heart shaped lips. The sun shined onto his head through the window and made his hair appear a shade of strawberry red. His caramel eyes glistened in the light .

The words -he's perfect- flashed through Han's head. He thought he was crazy, -I just became friends with him and I'm already calling him perfect. Don't fall for him and you won't get hurt Jisung-

He watched as the girl walked out of the room after being in his own thoughts. After he glanced at Minho, he was packing up his bag and his smile was gone. Now Han was super curious, -who was that girl?-  

After school Han went home. Being welcomed by his dog, Bbama, and pretty smells from the kitchen. He threw his school items toward the steps and picked up his dog, heading to the semi-large kitchen. He was welcomed by his mother.

"I didn't know you'd be home?"

She turns around and welcomes Han with a warm smile, "Ah Jisung! Yes I came home early to spend some time with my lovely son!"

Han smiled and sat down at the granite top island. "Where's dad!"

The long brown haired woman stayed cooking, "he won't be home tonight..."

"Why not?"

"Jisung, I have something to tell you later at dinner. Go wash up for now."

Han slowly gets off the stool, "okay.." the taller moved his way upstairs, exchanging his dog for his school stuff. He got into the shower and stood there for a moment,

"I wonder what she wants to tell me...did her and dad fight? Or did dad find out.." Han said to himself slowly washing his hair.

Thus he's done and heads back to his mother in the dining room, he sits down and looks at his mother. Her long brown hair was in a messy bun and she was smiling lightly. "Jisung.."


"Your dad found out. He thought it was best for him to stay somewhere else tonight."

Han showed his poker face, he was holding back tears and just sat there, "What part does he know.."

Hans mom took his hands into hers, "He was okay with you being gay Jisung don't worry! But then he found out what happened to you..."

Han felt a wait off of his chest, "Well that's good then's just what happened, he's not disappointed is he." 

Hans' mom pulled him into a hug. "No baby, your father is not disappointed at you at all. He just thinks if he sees you he might go after jinyoung. I'm sure you don't want that."

Han shakes his head softly. Even after what happened Han didn't wish jinyoung to be hurt. He worried more about his father though. Him not being accepting would destroy Hans life, he hated being a burden. Hated disappointing people.

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