Chapter 9

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At one moment Minho and Han were alone in Minho's house, the next it was filled with 8 boys and an uproar of conversations. They were scattered from the kitchen to the living room talking to each other and butting into any conversation they could.

The Sunshined boy was cooking with Chan's assistance. Jeongin and Seungmin were watching some show in the living room. Han and Hyunjin were conversing at the dining table, and Minho and Changbin collected things for their evening events of movies.

"Did you grab the blanket Bin?-"

Bin threw the blankets onto the floor of the living room, "I grabbed like seven in total."

Minho nodded, walking toward the shorter, "Help me set up then, maybe move the coffee table so we have more room." The two began to move and construct the best sitting space on the living room floor.

"Can you guys do this later, Jeongin and I are trying to watch something?"

Jeongin whipped his head around the other two, "Minho get your big butt out of the way!"

Instead, the brown haired just swayed it in front of the tv, "I'd rather stand right here..."

"Come on!" Seungmin squatted the two away.

Minho and Changbin erupted into laughter trailing to the kitchen where Felix and Chan had finished cooking. "Food is done!"

Hyunjin and Han quickly got up and shuffled to the kitchen; followed by four more boys behind them. In a single file line, they all went through one opening of the kitchen and out the other to the dining room. After a few minutes they were all peacefully eating like their lunch table recently. Everyone was happy with everything. Nothing bothering them and accepting Han into their friend group. Nothing could go wrong.

Thus, they were finished with eating, and they all piled onto the couch and nest of pillows and blankets on the floor. Picking out their first movie, it was a comedy. The house was filled with teenage laughter and remarks causing them all to have a good time. They watched a few more movies consisting of a chick flick. Making Seungmin and Felix cry a little. Watching a horror movie, leaving everyone scared but Minho who laughed at the idiotic jump scares. And another comedy to leave the boys a little sleepy and falling asleep.

Not all of them though. Han was wide awake; he was never good at sleeping in the first place but being with everyone made it kind of worse. He was having such a good time he forgot about everything for a couple of hours, now it was all coming back to him. Han layed on the couch, resting his head on the arm rest.

Minho was also up, slouched on the floor with Felix cuddling his leg sleeplessly. Once the movie was over, he wiggled out of his brother's grasp and turned off the tv. Standing up in the darkness he could still see Han's eyes wide open, he jumped.

In a whispered tone Minho said, "jisung..are you still up?"

Han picked up his head, "Ya..."

"You should go to sleep, it's late."

"I Don't think I can." Han felt a warm feeling in his stomach looking back at the now tilted head before him. "I believe I have insomnia." -why did I tell him that? -

"What do you mean..."

"I never had a good sleep schedule, nor do I ever feel tired. It's hard to sleep."

Minho stood in the dark room. It was so quiet it felt like it was just him and Han. He felt his heart tug as Han explained his insomnia, he felt bad. All alone with his thoughts throughout sleepless nights just seems like torture. The brown haired had the sudden urge to help him, not care for anyone else but Han.

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