3|Broken rule

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Allesios POV

Sighing in relief, I lean back in my black office chair, finally finished signing the last paper after a long, hard day of work.

Being a mafia Don has it's ups and downs.

Ever since my father died years ago in a very brutal helicopter crash, as his eldest son, naturally, I took the position as the next Don.

My mother also died, many years before my father. She was shot directly in the heart when our mansion was invaded. There was no helping her by the time a doctor arrived. She died instantly. I can still remember the heart-wrenching sound of my younger brothers sobbing over her lifeless body, drenched in blood.

She was killed by the Russian Mafia, the same Mafia who took my baby brother away from me.

My baby brother, Atticus. I know the whole family misses him dearly. I'm not sure if he's dead, but if he's alive, all I can do is hope that he grew up in a safe, loving home. But it is highly unlikely. The Russian Mafia is cruel and barbaric so I know they would've made sure he went to a place where he suffered greatly, even if he was, and still is, only a child.

And that makes my heart break.

All I want to do is collapse into bed and sleep forever, but I know I have to go see my brothers. I'm usually pretty busy with work, but I always make sure to atleast set aside dinner as a time to catch up with them.

I know it means a lot to them, especially Romeo. He always insists on telling me every single detail about his day, even the stupid, unimportant ones. And no matter how annoying it can get, I make sure to listen intently every time.

Just as I'm about to stand up, my phone starts ringing from it's resting place on my desk. I pick it up and see it's an unknown number. Rolling my eyes, I answer it anyways, knowing it could be important.

"Hello, is this Allesio Ricco?" The young woman on the other side of the phone questions, her voice smooth.

"Yes, this is him." I reply in a flat tone. "What do you want?"

"Well, my name Sarah Winston and I'm calling from the St John hospital in Oakland, California. We seem to have located your younger brother, Atticus Ricco. He is injured and is in need of a guardian." She informs me. My breath catches and my next words die in my throat.

Atticus, my sweet baby brother is alive? But he's injured?

"Are you absolutely sure it's him? Because if it's not, I swear I'll-"

"Yes, it's absolutely him." Sarah interrupts my threat, which leaves me even more speechless than before. Normally I would do something about it, I don't take disrespect, but right now I'm in too much of a decent mood.

"We did a DNA test on Atticus and you came back as the closest living relative that we were able to contact." She continues. "You have the option to take custody of Atticus. If you choose not to take him, he will be placed in foster care until he turns eighteen."

I can feel a relieved smile break out onto my face. My baby brother is really okay. I would never tell my brothers this, but I lost hope for finding him a few years ago. Of course I never stopped looking for him, but I did think I would never see him again.

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