17|Special secret

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Romeo's POV

"Sioooo!" I beautifully sing as I come crashing into my oldest brothers office.

He sighs deeply and rubs his temples, not looking up at me. After a few seconds, he finally looks up from his computer at me. I give him a cheaky grin and an aggressive wave.

"Romeo, how many times have I told you not to just barge into my office? You should know better by now." He scolds with a stern voice, glaring at me, but my grin doesn't falter at all.

I'm used to getting scolded by Sio for this very reason. A lot of the time, I forget that I'm not just supposed to walk in whenever I feel like it. There's just so much going on in my brain that I don't have room in there to remember!

"Why are you here?" He asks, his tone slightly lighter than before, indicating that he's not as annoyed anymore.

I skip my way over to one of the chairs in front of his black, sleek desk. I plop myself down in it and rest my chin on my hands, my grin dropping and immediately being replaced with a very serious stare.

"Well, Mr. Ricco, I have a business proposal." I announce, proudly, biting my cheak to keep from smiling out of excitement.

He rolls his eyes, not even trying to be discreet about it, and pretends to look very interested in what I have to say. "Go on."

"So do you recall how I've been very unfairly grounded for the past three days?" I ask, sounding very professional. I'm so professional, I think I should be the Don, not Allesio. I'm like ten million times more professional than him!

I'll be sure to bring that up with his boss later.

Wait a minute, isn't he the boss?

Yeah, probably. That sounds about right.

"Ahem." My thoughts get so rudely interrupted by my stupid, dumb, ugly, annoying brother. "Are you going to continue, Mr. Ricco?" He asks seriously, playing along with my game. I almost grin, but stop myself when I remember I'm supposed to be professional.

"Oh, right. Well, since I've been so cruelly locked away from society the past few days, I was thinking that maybe, possibly, perhaps I could go hang out with one of my friends?"

He blinks in disbelief before oh so rudely reminding me why I'm grounded in the first place. "No. You do realize you're grounded because you decided it would be fun to pour hot pink glitter all over poor Arlo and then try to blame it on August, as if he would ever do such a thing."

I groan is frustration and pout. He's being so dramatic! It's really not that big of a deal. I mean, I thought Arlo looked good covered head to toe on glitter! And August didn't even care that I framed him!

"Come on, Sio! Do this for your sweet, amazing, handsome little brother!" I plead, but it doesn't look like he's going to change his mind anytime soon, so I know I have to step up my game.

I'm willing to get on my knees and pray for this because I need to see Benjamin, aka my friend. I've been deprived of seeing him for way too long.

"Come on, Sio, please! It's my friend's birthday and he's a loner so he doesn't have any other friends to celebrate with! I'm his only hope!"

Everything I just said is a lie.

First off, Benjamin isn't just my friend. Second, it isn't even his birthday. His birthday was like seven million months ago. And lastly, he totally has other friends, I'm just the best one.

He sighs and looks like he's thinking about it. I hide my grin as I realize I might have a chance to see him.

"Alright, fine, but only for a few hours, and don't forget, this is a one-time thing, it's never happening again, okay? This is only happening because it's his birthday."

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