The Mothman

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Made famous by a 1997 episode of The X-Files and the 2002 film The Mothman Prophecies, the Mothman is a fearsome creature with broad wings and red eyes who originated in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

he story of the Mothman began on November 15, 1966. Two couples– Roger and Linda Scarberry, and Steve and Mary Mallette– reported seeing a large flying humanoid with a 10-foot wingspan and glowing red eyes following their car.

Similar reports came in over the next few days, and the sensational story was soon picked up by the local newspaper.
Mason County Sheriff George Johnson believed it to be a large bird, because the stories fit the description of a Sandhill Crane, which has a red forehead and wingspans recorded up to 7 feet, 7 inches.
On December 15, 1967, the Mothman was credited for the collapse of Silver Bridge, which killed 46 people.

For more information on this infamous Appalachian monster, visit the Mothman Museum in Point Pleasant, where you can take a selfie with the massive Mothman statue displayed prominently outside.

ou can also celebrate the Appalachian myth at the annual Mothman Festival, which typically happens on the third weekend in September.

This year’s festival falls on September 17 and 18, 2022. The festival features guest speakers, live bands, vendors, cosplay, and even a 5K run.

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