Disappointed negative

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Disappointed Negative

The picture above is my new plant, his name is Ozzy. Yes I named my plant


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Y/n's POV

I stare at my calendar, I should've started two weeks ago. It's probably nothing, I tell myself.

The past few days I had been nauseous in the mornings, but I never threw up.

Is it even worth bringing it up to him? I think as I roll over in bed, attempting to take a nap.

George and I had never said we didn't want kids, but we never said we wanted them either. We were still quite young and both of us were very focused on our streaming careers.

Would he be mad If I was pregnant, would he leave, would he be happy? I let my thoughts take over, thinking of every possible outcome.

"Hey," George says as he flops onto the bed beside me, his arms snaking around my waist.

"Hey, how was your stream?," I ask, shaking myself from my thoughts.

"Good, tiring".

I let out a sigh and place my head on his chest.

"You ok?," My boyfriend whispers.

"Mhm," I mumble into his chest.

"Somethings bothering you, you're stressing, I can tell".

I slowly release myself from his arms and sit up, George does the same with a worried look on his face.

"I think I'm pregnant," I shakily whisper. Saying it out loud made it more real.

"What?," He asks, his face shows a mix of confusion and shock.

"I might be pregnant," I confirm, my eyes starting to water.

"Holy shit," He breathes out, trying to take in what I just said, "Have you taken a test?".

"Not yet, I've been putting off".

"Ok, let's get you a test then," He says rubbing his thumb against my cheek.


"You ok in there?," I hear George ask from the other side of the door.

"Yep," I say, placing both tests on the sick infront of me.

"Do you want me to get you anything? Like a snack or water or something?," George asks trying to be supportive.

"No I'm ok, thankyou though," I say opening the door.

"How long untill we can look".

"3 minutes".

"I'll set a timer," He says pulling out his phone.

I sit on our shared bed, my leg bouncing up and down nervously.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok," He says placing a hand on my leg.

I place my head on his shoulder. I wish I could stop time, If I did wouldn't have to see the results.

A tiny little timeskip

Beep beep beep beep, we both jump as the timer goes off.

We both look at each other before I get up and grab the tests, not looking at them.

I sit back down beside my boyfriend and let out a sigh.

"Do you want me too look?," He asks.

"I wanna do it, I just need a minute".

He grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"Alright," I breathe out shakily. I flip over the tests, Negative, was written in bold letters on both.

I let out a happy sigh, smiling.

"I'm not pregnant," I say happily, bringing him in for a hug.

A little part of me was disappointed, a little part of me wanted the test to be positive.

George let's out a breath and a little chuckle. I felt him smile against my neck.

The next day

"Hey baby, I'm done with my stream," I saying walking into our bedroom, seeing George lying on our bed.

He has something in his hands, the pregnancy test.

He looks up to me and gives me a slight smile.

"Why do you have the test?," I ask curiously, sitting on the bed next to him.

He sighs before grabbing my hand in his.

"When you told me you might be pregnant yesterday I was scared, I was really scared, if I'm being completely honest with you as time went on I started to get excited".

"I'm confused".

"Yesterday made me realize that..........I want a family with you Y/n. I wanna be a dad," he says, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"What are you saying George?".

"I want a baby Y/n," He breathes out.

It takes a couple seconds for what he says to sink in, "Me too," I whisper.

"What?," He asks surprised, not expecting me too say that.

"I want a baby too".

He lets out a smile and wraps me in a hug.

"Are you sure?".

"Of course I'm sure Gogy".

"I love you so much".

"I love you too," I mumble into his shoulder.

Did you guys like this? Would you want to see a Pt 2?
Also I wanna start working on The Bucket List Pt 3 soon :)

Word Count: 798

May 31, 2022

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