The Bucket List pt. 4

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The Bucket List Pt. 4

Read the other parts :)))


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Part four
04 Go antique shopping

Ms. Ales Antique Store

Y/n's POV

"Everytime I come here I imagine the person who owned these things," Clay says, "For example, I think this belonged to a farmers wife, it was a ten year anniversary gift" he says picking up a beautiful ring.

I smile and let out a little laugh.

"You try".

I look around and spot a locket "I think this belonged to a teenage girl. It was passed down from her grandmother to her mother and finally to her".

"I like that one," Clay whispers as he takes a picture.

"I think you're gonna end up having many pictures we'll need a whole book," I say jokingly.

"Maybe I wanna make a whole book," he sarcastically remarks.

"Do you come here often?".

"Ya, when I need to get my mind off things," he says, walking through a section full of cups.

"I've always loved these types of tea cups, they're so elegant," I say.

"They're pretty......comme toi". (like you- in French)


"It's weird to think the things we have today are gonna be antiques at some point," Clay remarks.

"I can't even imagine that".

"The people who owned these things probably thought that too," he said motioning to the things around us.

"Do you think any of these items were really important to them?".

"Of course, a bunch of these things probably".

I make a little frown before he takes his hand In mine and squeezes it.

"Can I help you two lovebirds find anything," an old woman behind the counter asks us.

My eyes widen, "Oh no we're not a-," I start to say before I'm interrupted by Clay.

"We're just looking thankyou though," he says with a smile, his hand moving from mine to my shoulder.

The lady smiles and walks away. I turn to him with my eyes wide.

"What was that?," I ask laughing.

"It's part of the game," he whispers.


"You can go ahead and go out to the car I just have to look at one thing," Clay says.

I smile and nod before turning on my heels and heading out the door.

Timeskip (yes again, don't judge me)

"Alright we're good to go," Clay says as he gets in the car, holding a little bag.

"What'd you get?," I ask curiously.

"You'll see," He smirks.

"The suspense is going to killing me," I joke.

"Then die".

"Hey!," I say as I slap him.

"It was a joke it was joke," he repeats trying to defend himself.

"One more just because," I say hitting him again.

"Oh you're gonna regret that," Clay says as he reaches over and starts tickling me.

"Aahh no- stop- Clay!," I yell as I try to wiggle away.

He finally stops and we both lean back in our seats, laughing. I try to catch my breath but it's no use

"They must think we're crazy," I say motioning to the people giving us weird looks from outside the car.

"We are though".



"Thanks for driving me home," I say as I open the car door.

"No problem, here I'll walk you up," he says getting out, bringing the bag with him.

"Here, I have something for you," he says as we reach my door.

"What?," I ask confused as he hands me the bag.

"Just open it"

Inside the bag I feel something wrapped in paper. Once I unwrap the paper my eyes are met with the locket we had seen in the store.

                     (Something like this)

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(Something like this)

My jaw drops, "Clay you didn't have too-".

"I wanted too, think of it as a thankyou gift, for doing all of this with me," he says with a smile.

"Thankyou, it's beautiful," I say wrapping him in a tight hug.

"Here, let me put it on for you," he says moving my hair out of the way.

He clasps the necklace and looks down at me.

"It's beautiful".

"Like you".

"Shut up," I playfully punch his shoulder and blush.

"Just telling the truth Y/l/n," he smiles, "I should get going".

"Bye Clay, thankyou".

"You don't need to keep thanking me!" he yells as he opens his car door, letting out a little chuckle.

"Don't forget to mark antique shopping off of your list!".

"I won't!," He yells with a smile. He waves before driving off.

I look down at the locket and smile.

I felt my cheeks heat up before heading inside.


I like this one :))

Word count: 769
June 7, 2022

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