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The afternoon seemed surprisingly quiet. The saloon wasn't very busy so (Y/N) and Punz were free the rest of the day. They walked to the store together to go say hi to Bad and Sapnap. When they walked in, they saw Sapnap working the front desk. Bad seemed to be somewhere around the store. (Y/N) and Punz walked up to Sapnap and said hi. "Hey guys." Sapnap responded. He seemed to be worried about something. "What's wrong Sap?" Punz asked. "Nothing its just...I haven't seen Quackity in a while. He said he would meet me here at the store so me and Karl can hang out with him." (Y/N) and Punz looked at each other, wondering where Quackity would be. Karl soon comes out from a door that leads to storage, "Oh Hey (Y/N) and Punz! We were just waiting for Quackity. Want to join us today?" Karl asked. "Uh sure! We can hang out for a bit." As they all waited for Quackity, they started to get worried. Where was their friend? What could he possibly be doing? As they were waiting, they heard the door open and close. Everyone looked up to see that George walked in. "Oh, hey George," Karl said. "Oh, hey guys. Didn't know you were all waiting here." "Yeah, we are all waiting for Quackity." "Oh, I saw him walking towards the train station. Seemed to be getting his ticket to go back home, even though me and Karl are staying for a few more days." Everyone was surprised by George's response. They started to get suspicious as to why Quackity is getting train tickets way before Karl and George were. 

While they were thinking over the situation, (Y/N) got an idea, "Hey! Why don't we go ask the guy selling the train tickets! He should know where Quackity's going or why he is leaving so early." The group then went to the train station to ask the vendor about Quackity. "Hello! Could you tell me if a short guy with a beanie bought some train tickets here? (Y/N) asked the vendor. "Uh yeah he did come by. Asked he could get two tickets to a place called 'Las Nevad' I told him he had to take multiple trains to get there, but he insisted," the vendor finished. "Thank you so much! This was much appreciated!" With that, the group decided to go to the saloon to talk about the situation. Once they got to the saloon, (M/N) gave each of them a cup of coffee. "So to recap, Quackity bought two tickets this morning going to Las Nevad, which is the apparently the place he resides for the time being, based on what Karl and George have said." Sapnap said. (Y/N) was thinking over the situation while everyone else was talking, when they noticed someone wasn't there with them, "Guys?" Everyone turned look at (Y/N), "Where's Foolish?" "Last time I checked, he went into town when we had our break." Punz said. Everything started to click in their brain. "Guys! We need to go." (Y/N) rushed out of the saloon, Punz closely behind. "(Y/N)! Stop!" (Y/N) stopped and turned to Punz, looking very worried. "(Y/N) slow down. What's wrong?" "Foolish told you his story right?" Punz nodded. "There was a man with a beanie in his story. He had been chased by people all his life. Heck, bandits kidnapped him! Then the next thing we here is Quackity buying two tickets to Las Nevad, which means he must be the leader if he is so willing to take two trains to get there." When (Y/N) finished, Punz's face turned from worried to angry. How could someone so close to them betray someone else who is close for revenge? Or money? Punz called everyone else and told them what's happening. 

They quickly rushed to the motel, up the stairs, and went to Quackity's room. Sapnap knocked once but before he could knock again, Punz kicked down the door to find that he was gone. All of his belongs were gone too. He had left, but (Y/N) didn't give up hope yet. The group then went to the train station to see the last train start to move. "Wait! Stop the train!" (Y/N) yelled. In one of the boxcars, they could see Quackity carrying something seeming to be heavy. As they looked closer, they could see it was Foolish. They started running faster but couldn't catch up to the boxcar. They fell to their knees and started crying. How could they let someone that close to them get away. Punz fell next to them and comforted them. One of their best friends was gone and (Y/N) didn't even tell him how they truly felt.

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