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The group got to town and left their horses by some feeding grounds they had. They decided to put on cloaks so that no one would recognize them. As the team was searching for a way to get their plan ready, Tubbo saw a short man with a beanie walk into a saloon. "Hey (Y/N), isn't that the guy you are looking for? The duck guy, oh what was his name?" "Quackity!" (Y/N) ran into the saloon, Punz shortly behind them. They got into the saloon and went to the bar. As they sat down, they could hear the conversation happening right next to them, "Yeah man. I left the town in a hurry with him. I want my money for everything he has done." The customer said. "Yeah I hear you. I would want money for a man that ruined my town too, " the bartender said. As their conversation went on, Punz realized that the man next to them was Quackity. Quackity then left soon after their talk. The bartender then moved on to (Y/N) and Punz. "What would you like toda-" Punz grabbed the bartender by his collar and moved him close, "I need you to tell me when that man's train leaves." Punz said. "Look man! I don't know who you are talking about." "Yes you do! The man you just served before us." The bartender looked at (Y/N) then Punz, "Ok fine! He is going to leave in an hour, but that's all I know!" Punz let go of the bartender and the both of them left.

When both of them got back, the plan was already in motion. Tommy and Tubbo are going to distract the train conductor so that Punz and (Y/N) could get on the train. Sapnap and Wilbur will pose as passengers to keep an eye on Quackity and where he is going. Karl and George will pose as waiters on the train so they can try to slow down Quackity. And finally, Technoblade and Ranboo will also sneak onto the train and find out which boxcar Foolish is in. 

Punz and (Y/N) saw Tommy and Tubbo distracting so this was their chance. They snuck on and saw Sapnap and Wilbur in place. Once the train conductor got tried of Tommy and Tubbo, he got on and started the train. Once they were moving, Wilbur noticed a figure move from his seat and move cars. He warned George about this and George told Karl to go into the next car and try to distract this figure. Punz was half-way through one of the cars when someone bumped into him, "Hey! Move out of the way!" the person said. Punz didn't notice, but this figure took (Y/N) with him. (Y/N) was struggling to break free and the figure got sick of it and knocked them unconscious. While Technoblade and Ranboo were going through the boxcars, they saw through one of the doors Tommy and Tubbo catching up to the train on horseback. They had also brought everyone else's horses. The figure then went into one of the boxcars and left (Y/N) there.  Meanwhile, Sapnap had gotten up and bumped into someone, that someone was Punz, "Punz? What are you doing on this car? And where is (Y/N)?" "What do you mean they're-" Punz looked behind him to see that they were gone. He had lost them. In a panic, he went back where he came from, leaving Sapnap behind. Everything seemed to be going into chaos. Karl and George tried to find the figure who they assumed was Quackity while Punz was trying to find (Y/N). For Technoblade and Ranboo, it seemed like they checked every boxcar, Foolish was no where to be found. The plan was crumbling right in front of everyone's faces and they had no idea what to do. Not one but two people were missing and they had to find both. Technoblade and Ranboo reached the last boxcar, they opened it to find Foolish. He was on the floor, seeming unconscious. They picked him up and brought him over to the boxcar door. Seeing the light, Foolish awoke. Technoblade and Ranboo lowered him onto one of the horses Tommy and Tubbo brought. Once Foolish was secured, they went back in the train to find the others. Karl and George were the first to hear of the rescue. They then told Wilbur and Sapnap. The group then went towards the exit of the train and saw their horses. Technoblade, Ranboo, Wilbur, Sapnap, Karl, and George got on their horses and waited for Punz and (Y/N). They were waiting when all of a sudden, one of the boxcar doors opened and out came Quackity and (Y/N). Quacktiy held (Y/N) a little too close to the edge and yelled, "If you want them back, give me Foolish!" The group didn't know what to do. The next few things happened in a blur, one moment Quacktiy was holding (Y/N), the next was (Y/N) falling from the train from Punz punching Quackity in the back of his head. Foolish then got right next to the train and caught (Y/N). Punz then threw Quackity out of the train and got on his horse. Quackity fell with a thump and saw everyone leaving him. He yelled, "Don't you worry! I will come for you even if it is the last thing I do!"

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