
511 4 0

Warnings - none
Requested by - Me (Aka, StarAtHome)
Reader Pronouns - He/Him/His
Characters - Wilbur Techoblade Philza Tommy


I'm scared Wilbur!

My 5 year old brother, Y/n, complained. Y/n and I have been stuck in a cave for about 10 minutes. Well, more like lost.

Why are you scared?

He gripped my hand tighter.

How are we gonna leave? We are trapped and no one knows we are here!

Yes, I know. I told Y/n that we were trapped. I can't tell him that I got us lost! He looks up to me and if I told him I got us lost he'd be disappointed. He was really starting to freak out.

Don't worry Y/n! We'll be fine!

And we continued to look for an exit.


As we walked, the sound of rocks that crumbled from under our feet echoed. I stop and hummed, listening to it echo. I know how to calm Y/n and help him relax. Whistling.

Hey Y/n, listen!

I whistled and he listened. Once the echo of the whistle stopped, he smiled. He looked at me for approval to whistle. Obviously I said yes. He whistled. His smiles only brightened once the whistle stopped. I tugged on him arm, motioning him to keep walking.


Although he was calm, the whistling didn't stop. Y/n and I whistled back and forth. Soon, we heard an echo other then our whistles.

Y/n! Wilbur! Are you two down here?


Y/n screamed.

Techno? Is that you?

We, as in Y/n and I, heard more rocks crumble, but this time they weren't coming from us. We turned around, and right behind us, was,



Oh my god Wil.

That's not what happened!

Yes it was! In my imagination happened!

I tell you how it really happened.

Said Y/n.

Wil, don't narrate Y/n.

Said Dadza.


Can I say what happened now?

Yes Y/n.


(From here, Y/n is telling the story so there will be mistakes, please don't correct them if it's past this a/n)


Me and Wilbur heard rock sound behind us. I turned around and seen Techno running to me and Wilbur.

Wilbur look!

I pulled his arm and he looked at the place I was pointing. Techno runned to us and when he got to us he hit Wilbur on the head and hugged me.

How come Y/n gets a hug and I get a hit on the head?

Actually, that's for worrying everyone and not telling Dad that you and the youngest brother are leaving! We thought Y/n ran away again but you ran away with him!

I literally put a note on the fridge that says 'Y/n and I, the great Wilbur, are going out to explore. ~Wilbur'

Techno looked at Wilbur, and Wilbur looked at Techno until Techno said.

C'mon, lets go before Phil starts worrying about me too.

Techno grabbed my hand and we left.

The End!


He's right Dad, Wil left a note.
Thank you for reading! 💙💜🖤~Star

520 Words

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