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Chapter 2 - The Rescue

Chapter 2 - The Rescue

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"Be my pillow"


    With a groan and an aching pain tearing through her head like an arrow, Aurelia gingerly awoke to a dark room, illuminated dimly by white lights built into the walls of the cell she was placed in. Her head swirled with confusion as her hands and feet were bound to a steel chair in the center of the small room. The ropes were tight and scratchy, slightly tearing at her skin as she moved about in their grasp. She yelped at the sharp pain that ripped through her abdomen as she moved the wrong way, tears beginning to prick at her eyes. Her position was uncomfortable and didn't aid any alleviation to the soreness. She grunted in frustration, unable to find a way out of the bondages that held her.

    With the clanking of metal, the cell door in front of her opened, revealing an older man with a white beard. He was dressed in black robes and a brown cape draped over his shoulders, but the sinister look on his face spoke everything she needed to know.

    "Ah. My sleeping beauty has awakened." He smiled, walking toward the captured Princess. "How are you feeling? Are you comfortable enough? Oh, should we set up a feast for you? We have plenty of food and wine for you to enjoy, Your Majesty." He bowed sarcastically, putting on a show for his own amusement.

    Aurelia scoffed. "Like I'd ever take anything of yours." She mumbled under her breath.

    With a swift hand, the man grasped her face with a firm grip and forced her to make eye contact with him. "That is no way to treat the man who saved you."

    "You mean the man who kidnapped me from my own kingdom, my own planet, and keeps me in this room bound to a chair?" She yelled in retaliation, spitting at the man.

    He backed away for a moment, wiping off his face calmly. He turned to her, staring her down like a wolf watches its prey. In one quick move, the man swiped his hand down to her face, slapping her hard. She gasped at the shock but slowly turned her head back to him. She remained strong, not wanting to give her captor any satisfaction. However, inside her heart pounded against her chest a million miles a minute. Inside, she was truly scared. Not just for her safety, but mostly for the safety of her people, her planet. But no matter how much she hid her emotions from her face, the man still felt them.

    "You're scared." He stated simply, beginning to circle her in interrogation. "I can feel it; your fear. You also had a tinge of anger when I hit you. You hated me. Yet somehow, that feeling slipped away. You can control your negative emotions quite well, I'll give you that. But you are terrible at hiding them."

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