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Chapter 3 - Healing

"Take my hand let me sleep"

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"Take my hand let me sleep"


    "What exactly did you do back there?" Obi-Wan Kenobi asked Anakin as they rested in hyperspace.

    "Oh, you know, just tinkered a bit with their hyperspace controls and defense mechanisms, and perhaps a little with their guns," Anakin answered casually as he leaned back in his seat.

    Obi-Wan chuckled as he placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "Of course."

    "See? A little bit of mischief can be good." Anakin exclaimed.

    "Yes, when the time is right. When it is not, that is when I scold you." Obi-Wan told him.

    With a defiant huff, Anakin crossed his arms over his chest and slumped in his chair. Soon they reached the Coruscant system and came out of hyperspace before flying into the atmosphere of the city-planet. The entire trip, the Princess was asleep but stable, her head resting on the glass of the canopy. Obi-Wan had checked her every now and then to make sure she was alright. He cleaned up a few of her wounds on her face, washing off the blood from her head and her lips. She groaned here and there but remained in a dreamless sleep.

    Air patrol glided beside them, guiding their craft to a landing platform connected to the city's center. As requested, medical droids came to their assistance as the Jedi climbed out of their starfighter, turning their attention to the Princess, just waking from her deprived slumber. Obi-Wan leaned over the side and grabbed her, pulling her up and into the care of the medical droids. Although he wanted to follow them to the room she would be treated in, the Chancellor approached him with a pleased smile.

    "You performed dutifully, Master Kenobi." He congratulated. "I'm glad we have her back with us. However, I am a bit concerned as to her current condition."

    Obi-Wan gave the pain-ridden Princess one last glacé before walking away with Chancellor Palpatine. "I wanted to talk to you about that, sir. It seems that our old ally, Count Dooku, has turned to the Dark Side and now leads a fleet of Separatist ships. With him in control and strong within the Dark Side of the Force, it's going to become a problem. I only wish we knew where Darth Sidious was hiding. Then we could end this charade." He grumbled.

    Palpatine hummed in response. "Yes. That would end things for sure."

    "And another thing, sir." He spun to face the Chancellor. "Something about this girl, this Princess, seems a bit foreign to me. Like it's a completely separate side of the Force. Neither Dark nor Light. Just different and on its own. I don't know what to make of it."

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